Saturday, May 31, 2008

I cheat on her !!

Before you decide to be judgmental and start throwing all that gyaan on me, let me brief you, its all gonna be a disappointment ;).

So here I'm one day (27th) looking at my old friend with whom I have been for the last 4yrs. She hasn't changed a bit in these years .. although I tried to get her to do a makeover once she remained the same old self; beautiful, simpleton, plain, a little few extra pounds though; like one of the heroines from 70s ;). I was always proud to have her. I used to(I still do once in a while) brag about her when among friends, and they would tell me how lucky I'm to have her and how difficult is it to maintain the pompous ones they were with. But I changed, changed a lot in these 4yrs, I'm everything but for what I was back then. People change and its common, and I was thinking its time I change her too. Not that there is anything wrong with her, but I reached a stage where I can't just stay with her ... I needed more, I had my own desires(wants not needs) she couldn't satisfy.

Say coincidence, fate whatever but on the same day I see someone else.. gorgeous, extravagant, stylish, urbanite and ofcourse slim, like one of those heroines from the 2010 :D ... and thats it I decide to lay my hands on her whatsoever. All night I tried to tell myself that my good old friend is still perfect for me and its just the hormones kicking in disabling my power to distinguish between wants and needs and then there is this thing that I know I wont be able to handle such an extravagant miss for long.

28th morning ... I try to forget everything and stay with my old friend, went to office happily, some important work but overall a nice day, came back home by 6 and the urge to 'own' the beauty hit me again .... This time I don't think I fought for even a minute, I decided to cheat on my old friend. I decided to tell her I'm going away for a few weeks on work and so I did.

This is how the eventful thing happened after a lot of cogitating:

Started the bike went to the store bought the new HTC S710, removed the SIM card from 1100 and lo & behold I have a new mobile after using 1100 for 4yrs.

hehe I know such a stupid narration, I just wrote whatever came to my mind not even bothering to proof read it once, lazy me :D. I thought I'll say 1100 retired, but then I realized I still own the piece and could get back on it whenever I want so cheating sounded apt :D

I don't think posting the pic here is such a nice idea, viewers can figure out the story even before the start reading it :), but what the hell its a dumb story anyway here is my new HTC s710 .....

Monday, May 19, 2008

SFOs and MFOs

naah, its has nothing to do with UFOs. SFO is Single Family Office and MFO is multiple family offices. I should admit that though I always knew of their existence, I never knew the formal terminology nor the minimum criteria till today. For those of you who haven't heard of them, SFO manage the family portfolio and include services like children admission to best institutes for the worlds richest. These SFOs include not more than 10people on an average, and manage assets of $100 million or more and are paid upto nearly $3 million. SFOs are all over the world, after a certain stage it becomes very difficult for the family to run their own family business, a private team of professionals is hired to manage the assets on their behalf, they inturn act as strategic decision makers along with banks to run the business. MFOs are a team of SFOs together along with some banks and other financial firms, which manage more than one family assets.

This system is not alien to the rich families, it is the same system followed wrt law firms also. An individual lawyer or a team manages critical decisions with legal impact for rich families, these private lawyers play a major role in the family over decades and help in both domestic and foreign decisions.

These privae law firms, financial firms ... etc which work only for rich families and manage assets worth billions of dollars played and will play key role in the strategic development not just of the family and those whose lives revolve around the family business, but in the development at a higher level thanks to their huge deals with most banks (some private and some nationalised), the hedge funds they manage, the assets and equities their masters own.

Afterall he who has the gold makes the rules :)

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Too many things...

Well this might sound strange but the reason behind not posting for the last 15days is not because I didn't have any topic, but I had too many and I don't know which one to choose. I decided to not post any more "In response to" posts, and leave them in draft mode so that people wont get bored :), maybe I can start a private blog to store all those. Well apart from that there have been MANY incidents in the last 15days which kept provoking me to write, be it crazy IPL & the reason behind DC failure, Olympics/Tibet issue, blasts in Jaipur, Earthquake in China, introduction of womens bill in parliament, elections for 1yr post in Telangana, change in Russian presidency, changing markets & increasing prices, remarks on inflation by Bush, Obama's comeback, global warming and increasing temperatures, blackberry issue, and on personal front about my sister who finished her +2 and discussions @home between engineering vs non-engineering (no points for guessing, I'm in favor of non-engineering :) ), my changed schedule (5:30AM - 11PM daily :D), Khuda ke liye and other movie reviews, religious fanatism (had an elaborate discussion with another friend :) ), the dilemma of a friend on MS in US, a friend addicted to coffee (I think she needs rehab), and then last but not the least to crib regarding a friend who went on a 8day trip with 7other girls to Singapore,Malaysia.
Now you know what the dilemma is all about :D, now you know why I haven't really been posting. I have one huge post on each of these topics, and I couldn't chose one to start with. Everytime I sit down to write I see something else on tv :( seriously it was a lot of strain on my brain :D.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

In response to ...

From now on you may find a few of my responses to some of the articles in other sites posted here, after all I need a place to save these :)
So don't even bother to waste your time reading these unless you have time to read the original post.

This is in response to "What is the Future of State Capitalism?" by James Heskett ( This response might not have content in depth, but then the topic is one of its kind :)

Well to start with, quite clearly, there is no correct answer to these questions. While the past decade has seen many major changes in the global economy and the effect of strategic decisions, it has also seen the emergence of state owned corporations and the changes in the conventional laws and regulations allowing these corporations to invest across the globe. Other than few outcries little has been done or can be done to regulate and make the investment strategies and practices more transparent. Necessity is the most critical scamp here and then there are investments due to political reasons.

It takes a lot of courage for the regional laws and regulations to deal with global markets. But it is not as easy as it seems to be when political interests are involved, and coming up with a global agreement in the near future is very unlikely especially when those to be regulated are state owned firms.

In many ways these state owned firms insure the world’s prosperity as long as the key decisions are in favor of making money for the state but then as mentioned there are inefficiencies like corruption and poor investment decisions which might bring about a new equilibrium when managing huge corporations.

So what can really be done is make the investments more transparent regionally and keep a check on who is investing and where. While global agreement isn’t very easy, some kind of transparency standards can be brought up across the free markets.
Well as Alexander Pope wrote in his ‘An Essay on Man’; “Order is Heaven's first law; and this confessed, some are and must be greater than the rest, more rich, more wise; but who infers from hence that such are happier, shock all commonsense.”, and an order can be brought about only when this is accepted by all the markets.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Not really a post !!

Well I know I'm not supposed to be here till May 2nd week, but then what the hell I won't have anything to post even then anyway hehe ...
[To all the jobless people reading this post, its gonna be complete arbitrary stuff]
few updates:
1. Everything is going good @work, got an award as outstanding individual contributor for doing nothing :D
2. Registered for PG Diploma in Customer Relationship Management from Symbiosis, DELL is mostly likely gonna sponsor it.
3. Watched Harry Met Sally & 50 first dates for the hundredth+ time :)
4. Btw came home i.e. Vijayawada ... May 1st to May4th and it's 39degrees on April 30th & 43degrees on May1st, what a welcome !! oh to top that, the AC wasn't working :(
5. I'm still the same weight as I was in Jan, happy :D ... I really get all nervous when I see most of my colleagues with a tummy bellying out of their shirts ;)

"He who has the gold makes the rules"
How very true ..oh for people who didn't know this, it is the ironic version of the 'golden rule' used usually by economists and traders and believed to be true by an exuberant like me. How very true, how very true
It also gives you the power when you make the rules. You have the upper hand in negotiation. Did you know the story of Wallmart and the hard high hand it has in the negotiations ?? It never compromises.. NEVER!! You have a problem with that, the deal is out & so is your business. That is the reason why it is not advised to make deals with a single client worth more than 20% of your business.

Well I don't know why I started the topic so lemme end it here ... if you want some intellectual discussion on wallmart & power+gold, please feel free to ping me hehe
or read Nash equilibrium if you have more time

hmm ... I have these innumerable arbitrary topics in my mind rt now, and I think I'll start blogging once in a while on these... but then it would sound like essay writing or analytical write ups a warning to all my poor readers (if there is anyone after this post hehe)
The never ending post