Saturday, January 30, 2010
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Yup, as the title aptly suggests, this is my 1st video log. Started with relationships. I started it to test my webcam and then went on. Have a lot of scope for improvement though.
1. Very bad audio quality, lot of noise.
2. Bad lighting.
3. Poor eye contact (I wrote down a few pointers, its not totally extempore).
4. Worst background and posture.
I hope to continue this series as I observed it takes much less time to post a video log than a weblog, selecting the topic 1min, noting down a few pointers 5mins, recording the video 5mins, editing if necessary 2mins, total of 15mins. Ofcourse doesn't mean I'll stop writing: everything has its place.
PS: The 'never ending post' has been updated.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Warrior within
6months back I hurt my knee while playing badminton and had to go through a surgery. Doctors told me I'd have to use a walking stick for 1month, I'll not be able to use the stairs for 3months, can't drive for 6months and cant play/run for an yr. Everyone who knew me were very happy that I'd finally stay home for a while, but ofcourse none of them happened.
I used the stick for 15days, once the stitches were removed I never used it.
I used the stairs within a month, people scared the shit out of me, nevertheless I did.
I started driving after 3months, well I told myself it was too heavy on my pocket to get a cab daily.
I started jogging after 6months, a little. I jog for maybe 1km in bits n pieces and walk rest of 7km (4.3miles total).
Totaly I started running, and I feel no pain :D I was soo happy, I feel like the fighter from one of those movies, that was the picture I had in mind while I was running hehe.
PS1: I put on lot of weight, now should get back to normal. phew!
PS2: I don't know if this qualifies as self praise or rant :D ...its just arbit
Friday, January 15, 2010
The never ending post...
One day, one fine day in future, IF I ever get to own an island or rule a region, what would be my ideas:
1. No tax on food, min duty on food imports. I wish no one should ever worry about food, and yes ice creams and chocolates are very much a part of food :P
2. Free trade everywhere. No charges on sky n water.
3. Air pollution will be charged very highly, and renewables would be made compulsory.
4. Capitalists can get everything they wish for, including highly skilled labor n duty free land.
5. Free n compulsory education.
6. Strict NO to reservation of any kind but for physically and mentally challenged.
7. Nothing comes free for anyone, no beggars.
8. Public transportation is highly efficient and very cheap.
9. Shops would be allowed to be open 24hrs. (I still don't know why business cant be run during the nights!! bowls me) [If anyone still reads my blog n knows a genuine reason please let me know, I'll try to find out n update in future]
10. Electricity is free upto x units, beyond that would be costly.
11. The intensity of punishment and importance of case is directly proportional to the number of people effected and nature of abuse (physical or emotional).
12. Freedom of speech and freedom of press is given. But only if published with facts, else all false rumors will directly lead to high penalty and/or loss of license.
13. High taxes on vehicles run on non-renewables, and min/no taxes on other vehicles.
14. Borders/boundaries will be based on area of land, and not on any other differences.
15. Doesn't matter which region/caste/religion the person originally belonged to, coz without reservations people won't make a deal out of it.
16. Police have latest weapon and necessary technology, including best inhouse vehicles.
17. Farmers get the right to price their goods, however only if they sell in retail. Help will be provided by govt.
18. I don't mind if someone makes a few bucks for skipping few protocols and granting favors for monetary benefits, not a major offence will be punished with a fine as long as the act doesn't harm public (ex: favouring tenders, excusing public nuisance ..etc), but if anyone is seeking a bribe for doing the work he is supposed to do, he is immediately dismissed (ex: bribe for sanctioning pensions, serious building norm violations, seeking money in govt hospitals etc).
19. Remotely controlled webcams in all govt offices, cannot be switched off locally.
20. No file/petition should be pending for more than 30days. Each file is tracked and escalated after 30days where it stays for 10days before further esclataion. Max hierarchy is 4levels. [This will generate 1000s of jobs too]
21. Children of parents who are implicated in more than 3cases are sent to boarding schools run by govt. The parents will be able to visit their child like any other kid. This is to ensure children do not have to follow the path of their parents, and be well educated.
22. No beggars on streets, nothing comes free from govt to anyone who is between 18-60yrs and not handicapped.
23. Police report directly to me(on my island) or to the President if its a country:) No direct political influence on police. be continued
[a link is posted on the right bar for future]
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
What Tarot are you ?
You are The Sun
Happiness, Content, Joy.
The meanings for the Sun are fairly simple and consistent.
Young, healthy, new, fresh. The brain is working, things that were muddled come clear, everything falls into place, and everything seems to go your way.
The Sun is ruled by the Sun, of course. This is the light that comes after the long dark night, Apollo to the Moon's Diana. A positive card, it promises you your day in the sun. Glory, gain, triumph, pleasure, truth, success. As the moon symbolized inspiration from the unconscious, from dreams, this card symbolizes discoveries made fully consciousness and wide awake. You have an understanding and enjoyment of science and math, beautifully constructed music, carefully reasoned philosophy. It is a card of intellect, clarity of mind, and feelings of youthful energy.
What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
worth mentioning
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
I finished most of my long pending work, I couldn't work at home so went to Barista ordered a nice coffee, opened my laptop sat for 2.5hrs straight and finished work pending last 2 weeks. I came back home, arranged a table, chair, mosquito coil on the terrace, pulled extension cord and net cable, continued to work while listening to music. Its sooooooo lovely out here that I can't stop being proud of myself wrt the arrangement, and can't believe I didn't think about it earlier !!
I made some awesome plans on the right usage of our terrace, which I'll post after the plans have been implemented.
Did I tell you we have a guitar in our room now, oh yeah S rox!! He brought it, still in the process of learning to tune it.
Did I tell you I became a HUGE fan of LinkedIn, I registered like in most other famous social networking sites but this is something that ACTUALLY came in handy (unlike in Orkut where you receive 'can we be friends' requests, Ohhhh yeah even we guys do !!! dorks get a life)
Did I tell you I'm going to IIMA on WORK :D [will update whole story after its actually done]
Did I tell you I'll run out of cash soon and I haven't yet found an immediate source of income :(
Did I tell you I met a long lost school friend of mine on facebook (thanks to friend suggestions) (always feels nice getting in touch with old buddies, esp from school).
Did I tell you I still don't like twitter inspite of all the support it gets from my friends n all, donno why I just don't get the idea of shouting every 10mins of your life on web.
Did I tell you that if you have read the whole post, your life is as boring as mine ? :P
Did I tell you that I recently learnt you could extract gold and silver from electronic waste ? shhhhhhhhhhhh.... secret
PS: If anyone is wondering why the posts are getting more personal, I'm trying my BEST to not talk about politics, esp AP politics. Not really interested to post movie reviews, nothing worthy enough happening across the rest of the globe (I think this is how people will die in 2012: out of boredom) and I strongly believe mosquitoes will take over the world very soon, very very soon.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
The new year blah blah post
People ask me how 2009 was and how the decade of 2000s was, and I realise wtf let my blog also join the boring gang of new yr posts, not that I have anything against new yr celebrations but making sure you post on new yrs is soo stereotypical (so I'm posting on 2nd :P)
2001-2003: +2 at Goutham Gudavalli, 2 of the best years of my life unlike for many others. Hostel life with close friends, celebrity treatment as I was in IIT batch, pampering parents as I was away from home, some real good new friends (no time for girls, too busy studying) :)
2003-2007: IIIT-Hyd, life altering (afterall thats what college is all about), made me change more than 200% I'll say from a sucker to a psycho :P, less in classes n more outside including coll politics, made few good friends again, n I had a pack of hostiles also (long story). There are no stoned in Hyd we didn't turnover, no restaurants unexplored (thanks to Pratibha scholarship ;) ). I would'nt count them to be my best years (infact quite a bit opposite) but they definitely were life altering and very very thought provoking (outside the class). Made me believe in myself n dream of the future.
2007-Oct2009: DELL Inc, when I didn't sit for all those companies offering wooping amount of salaries my friends warned me and few others mocked me, but I guess everyone agreed with my point of view after they saw my life in Dell. Its a nice place to be, but for recession ofcourse. Esp I got a chance to work, play, have fun, study outside IT, learn and more importantly got apt recognition at every chance. I again learnt a lot about life n as such. Thanks to my managers for all the support, poor me I don't to bitch about my managers like others :D
hmmm looking back at it nothing 'happy' this year actually na, but somehow I was always happy :) Good for me hehe...I didn't mention everything from 2009 but thats more of less it. Hopefully the new yr 2010 will be more eventful n lot more exciting both professionally and otherwise.
Happy new year folks :)