I'm usually reluctant to post anything personal other than views, but I guess I'll make an exception today. This might sound like a 6th class essay on my dad, so put on some entertaining music while you read this :P.
We come from a middle class background, my grandfather raised 5kids with absolutely 0 bucks to start with, and left around 10lakhs per head while he departed. My dad couldn't do his masters(n become a doc) due to financial reasons and neither was interested in family business and so fought with his parents, came out of home with the pledge that he'll get back only after getting a job, stayed with his friends for 2-3months, gave bank test and got into SBI, and has served SBI for the last 25yrs. Now I guess you guys understand the roots to my rebellious nature :D
My parents marriage was also in very similar lines. My dad saw my mom one day when he was going on a walk along with his elder sister, after a few days he went along with the same sis to see my mom at her place (without telling his parents :D), luckily there were no cultural differences and so everything went smooth and they were married in a few months on August 15th (poor dad he lost his independence on Aug 15th). And that is love at first sight, now I guess you guys understand the roots of my boldness :D
I could give many more such examples, incidents where he made huge sacrifices for us, incidents where he changed for us, incidents where he fought for us ... it is said that my dad used to drive at 110kmph on bajaj !! He could smoke rings into the air. When there was some family dispute over my g.parents property, he gave it away without any fight saying "I have my son" !! He gave up smoking when I was in 6. He goes for a walk daily in the morning for the last 25 years and hasn't taken ONE sick leave till date. NOT EVEN ONE SICK LEAVE !!!!! He is apparently the only person who is accepted by folks from all religions and castes in employees union, and he raised us in a similar environment where people are respected based on their nature and not religious stature or gender. Do you believe that I didn't know which caste I belonged to till I had to put it in my 10th application :) People used to laugh, but my family used to take pride in that. (He gave the same independence in marriage also).
He always taught us to speak without fear, to think beyond limits and to love without expecting anything in return. He was and is always there to encourage us, support us yet always making sure we grow to be free thinkers.
Love you dad, your ever smiling composure even during the worse times is what made me what I'm today.
{Its ok to be emotional once in a while :D and this is one such post}
Sunday, December 21, 2008
what makes me any different ?? !!!
Only those who keep asking this question to themselves AND thrive to find an answer will be able to leave a mark behind (according to me). The saddest summary of life contains three descriptions : could have, might have and should have. I'm not sure who said this, but I truly believe in it. Like any other, my life too has had its ups and downs but the fact that I don't give up has made me the person that I am now, and I happily take pride in it.
Leading a life with your own set of rules isn't very easy, and its more difficult when those rules are not set to impress anyone else but to keep impressing oneself. If you are also ambitious that is a very very tough combination where you don't just have to answer yourself the question of "what makes me any different" but have to let others think that you are different too.
There are always people who laugh at you, who mock you, who try to belittle you and in turn disgrace you, and this is the time when usually we give up. I did so once few years back, but that was the 1st and the last time I let anyone do that to me. I learnt that being accepted is important for an ambitious person, and to be accepted you need not worry about convincing others that you are different and best but have to accept yourself AND others too. As Dr.Taub says "I have known a few people who had dreams, one thing they all had in common was they all got laughed at and they didn't care."
You should make sure that you have the attitude in you to not let others downsize you, not let others demotivate you, not let others tell you what you can or can't do, not let others cloud your creativity. And the most important thing to do is know and accept your weaknesses and you are automatically shielded from the rest of the world.
Sometimes i'm wrong,i have a gift for observation, for reading people and situations but sometimes i'm wrong ... and I accept that. I might not be wrong in seeing the emotions, but I might be wrong in guessing the reactions to be followed. So always remember, "when u catch them by the balls, their hearts & brains follow " and that is how you make sure things work.
{This is the most random and disorganized post, don't bother asking me how any two paragraphs are related}
Leading a life with your own set of rules isn't very easy, and its more difficult when those rules are not set to impress anyone else but to keep impressing oneself. If you are also ambitious that is a very very tough combination where you don't just have to answer yourself the question of "what makes me any different" but have to let others think that you are different too.
There are always people who laugh at you, who mock you, who try to belittle you and in turn disgrace you, and this is the time when usually we give up. I did so once few years back, but that was the 1st and the last time I let anyone do that to me. I learnt that being accepted is important for an ambitious person, and to be accepted you need not worry about convincing others that you are different and best but have to accept yourself AND others too. As Dr.Taub says "I have known a few people who had dreams, one thing they all had in common was they all got laughed at and they didn't care."
You should make sure that you have the attitude in you to not let others downsize you, not let others demotivate you, not let others tell you what you can or can't do, not let others cloud your creativity. And the most important thing to do is know and accept your weaknesses and you are automatically shielded from the rest of the world.
Sometimes i'm wrong,i have a gift for observation, for reading people and situations but sometimes i'm wrong ... and I accept that. I might not be wrong in seeing the emotions, but I might be wrong in guessing the reactions to be followed. So always remember, "when u catch them by the balls, their hearts & brains follow " and that is how you make sure things work.
{This is the most random and disorganized post, don't bother asking me how any two paragraphs are related}
life and philo
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Dream vs Reality
One of my classmates from college wrote an article on "Prince Charming" Vs "Dream Girl" and claims girls evolved to be much better capitalists than guys :)
Maybe maybe not, but being a feminist that I'm, for the 1st time I went ahead and commented on his blog(I usually avoid commenting on others blogs unless I'm really tempted to do so like this post :) ). But what really surprised me isn't the fact that he wrote this post(considering the few happenings in his life that I know of, such a post isn't much of a shock), but the fact that none of the guys opposed the theory, in fact everyone EVERYONE went ahead and supported the theory !!!
Now I'm surprised!! The only logical explanation I could come up with is that all these guys are from 'elite' institutes where girls/guys ratio is less :) and thus the 'frustration'. How else would/could someone explain a bunch of 'well-educated' guys gang up and bash all the girls in the world ?? more so when all/most of these guys are not even married :D (hehe well I understand such a post after marriage, but ...). Don't tell me that girls are soo film-ish that they would slap you or throw a sandal at you if you ask them out (atleast I haven't met one such yet). Maybe as a part of ragging seniors should educate young folks on how to impress a girl :D or even better how NOT to get into their bad books.
Lets try and get some basic facts clear, its always survival of the fittest be it evolution or just emotion. You can't expect to look shabby, talk rubbish, not respect people and yet be liked by the other gender just because love is blind, that's sheer bullshit. "Love is blind" only works(or is supposed to) when you impress the other person not during impressing.All that the other person is looking for is company where he/she will feel happy and secure, if those basics aren't in the correct place you can't really expect the relationship to work.
Once you impress the person/fall in love, you got to get the next theory right- he/she isn't your 'property', you are not given 700 perms(how geeky!) on the person. Both guys/girls would want their space with their friends, both would want their partner to look/be the best in their circle, both would want to 'show off' that they have the best partner one could get, both would like to brag about their partner... its all the mushy kinds, and its also the time when things could go weirdly wrong, too many expectations and if one is not ready to be in a relationship one shouldn't jump into(I like this in the western style, you take your time to say 'I love you' and when you say, you are ready and really mean it, and you don't do so just coz your friends encouraged you to or just out of sheer peer pressure). Well, the point is, one has to have the list of expectations his/her partner would have, in mind before jumping into a relationship and then trying to act idealist by saying 'looks don't matter' or 'you are expecting too much' or 'you are suffocating me' blah blah.
As my dad once said, "Relations are never stained, It's the communication that is". That apparently is the mantra for a happy life and luckily I have always sticked to it(of course I'm still single, please avoid the cliche, as Jane Austen puts it love has many forms like moments of time).
I know, I know this ought to be the most bakwaas post till date but I couldn't resist the temptation and I had to blurt out, at least some of it. All guys who would want to bash me, feel free to ping me :P and if at all someone is reading this post and wants to give me an example of an extreme person who doesn't fit the logic, please realize that its the same with the other gender too. If there are a few girls who are real emotion wrecks there are guys who are real jerks, so lets not get into specific examples. But generalizing I would say guys and girls aren't really different deep within, both are looking for a nice company, a company which would bring a smile on their face whenever they think of him/her, a company their parents would feel proud of to have in their family, a company their friends would envy.... a company who would stay with them in thick and thin, who would see their sleepy weird face in the morning and not run away but kiss them good morning :)
Maybe maybe not, but being a feminist that I'm, for the 1st time I went ahead and commented on his blog(I usually avoid commenting on others blogs unless I'm really tempted to do so like this post :) ). But what really surprised me isn't the fact that he wrote this post(considering the few happenings in his life that I know of, such a post isn't much of a shock), but the fact that none of the guys opposed the theory, in fact everyone EVERYONE went ahead and supported the theory !!!
Now I'm surprised!! The only logical explanation I could come up with is that all these guys are from 'elite' institutes where girls/guys ratio is less :) and thus the 'frustration'. How else would/could someone explain a bunch of 'well-educated' guys gang up and bash all the girls in the world ?? more so when all/most of these guys are not even married :D (hehe well I understand such a post after marriage, but ...). Don't tell me that girls are soo film-ish that they would slap you or throw a sandal at you if you ask them out (atleast I haven't met one such yet). Maybe as a part of ragging seniors should educate young folks on how to impress a girl :D or even better how NOT to get into their bad books.
Lets try and get some basic facts clear, its always survival of the fittest be it evolution or just emotion. You can't expect to look shabby, talk rubbish, not respect people and yet be liked by the other gender just because love is blind, that's sheer bullshit. "Love is blind" only works(or is supposed to) when you impress the other person not during impressing.All that the other person is looking for is company where he/she will feel happy and secure, if those basics aren't in the correct place you can't really expect the relationship to work.
Once you impress the person/fall in love, you got to get the next theory right- he/she isn't your 'property', you are not given 700 perms(how geeky!) on the person. Both guys/girls would want their space with their friends, both would want their partner to look/be the best in their circle, both would want to 'show off' that they have the best partner one could get, both would like to brag about their partner... its all the mushy kinds, and its also the time when things could go weirdly wrong, too many expectations and if one is not ready to be in a relationship one shouldn't jump into(I like this in the western style, you take your time to say 'I love you' and when you say, you are ready and really mean it, and you don't do so just coz your friends encouraged you to or just out of sheer peer pressure). Well, the point is, one has to have the list of expectations his/her partner would have, in mind before jumping into a relationship and then trying to act idealist by saying 'looks don't matter' or 'you are expecting too much' or 'you are suffocating me' blah blah.
As my dad once said, "Relations are never stained, It's the communication that is". That apparently is the mantra for a happy life and luckily I have always sticked to it(of course I'm still single, please avoid the cliche, as Jane Austen puts it love has many forms like moments of time).
I know, I know this ought to be the most bakwaas post till date but I couldn't resist the temptation and I had to blurt out, at least some of it. All guys who would want to bash me, feel free to ping me :P and if at all someone is reading this post and wants to give me an example of an extreme person who doesn't fit the logic, please realize that its the same with the other gender too. If there are a few girls who are real emotion wrecks there are guys who are real jerks, so lets not get into specific examples. But generalizing I would say guys and girls aren't really different deep within, both are looking for a nice company, a company which would bring a smile on their face whenever they think of him/her, a company their parents would feel proud of to have in their family, a company their friends would envy.... a company who would stay with them in thick and thin, who would see their sleepy weird face in the morning and not run away but kiss them good morning :)
life and philo,
saakethananda philo
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Something B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L
I know I'm supposed to write about a lot of things, but I found a BEAUTIFUL piece of write-up by a beautiful person ... I didn't acknowledge the person to not disturb the persons privacy, but I hope it's ok to copy in this internet world !!!
I am my own special creation
I take pride in my little world
and it’s not a place I have to hide in
I bang my own drum
some think its noise but I call it music
and so what if I love each sparkle and each bangle
I love seeing things from a different angle
No other has my mystique, so I take pride in it.
I’m intense, amorous, passionate,
and in equal measures, secretive.
They say my eye speaks,
love, dreams ,life's sparkle
is what is reflected in it…
One of my greatest assets is,
the ability to effect change,
if only by sheer will.
I have enough,
Warmth in me, to heal
Loneliness itself,
of its dire state...
I live in yesterday’s tomorrow,
n tomorrow’s yesterday..
I like to live life,
In my own special way!
I won't claim to be anywhere near to what this person is, but I'm sooooooooooooooooooooo in love with this person's attitude !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am my own special creation
I take pride in my little world
and it’s not a place I have to hide in
I bang my own drum
some think its noise but I call it music
and so what if I love each sparkle and each bangle
I love seeing things from a different angle
No other has my mystique, so I take pride in it.
I’m intense, amorous, passionate,
and in equal measures, secretive.
They say my eye speaks,
love, dreams ,life's sparkle
is what is reflected in it…
One of my greatest assets is,
the ability to effect change,
if only by sheer will.
I have enough,
Warmth in me, to heal
Loneliness itself,
of its dire state...
I live in yesterday’s tomorrow,
n tomorrow’s yesterday..
I like to live life,
In my own special way!
I won't claim to be anywhere near to what this person is, but I'm sooooooooooooooooooooo in love with this person's attitude !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
life and philo
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Yes I'm alive .....
"YES I'm alive" screams my blog, it reminds/requests/begs and even haunts me to write regularly and I keep telling myself once its December !! August .. Sept .. Oct .. Nov .. Dec, so what was/am I doing all the while till December ? well you got to wait to know don't you :) I have a series of posts/announcements/surprises lined up. Like most others I don't really blog to express my ideas to the world but only because I believe its a good medium to preserve my thoughts. A recent article says they discovered ways to delete memory selectively in rats and claim to use the technology in humans to help patients with post traumatic problems, so how about a technology to save these memories before deleting them :-> wouldn't that be wonderful ?? I'll never miss any idea!! Each time I come up with a brilliant idea(atleast one I think is good) be it while driving or in a shower or while watching tv I'll have to do is transfer it to another medium :D
I know I'm mixing memories with thoughts, but then who knows if you can have a technology for selective memories how far would reading thoughts be ?
While money market is on a roller coaster ride, science and research as usual are on an upswing! Necessity is the mother of invention. The basis for most of the discoveries or theories today goes back to the cold-war or the 1st and 2nd world wars when funds literally drained into research. Wars are not bad after all eh ? ;-) (Please don't sue me for saying this! This post is being written @3:30AM and I'm half asleep)
I guess I'll hit the sack now, but will catch you soon. Don't expect much blogging till around Dec :)
I know I'm mixing memories with thoughts, but then who knows if you can have a technology for selective memories how far would reading thoughts be ?
While money market is on a roller coaster ride, science and research as usual are on an upswing! Necessity is the mother of invention. The basis for most of the discoveries or theories today goes back to the cold-war or the 1st and 2nd world wars when funds literally drained into research. Wars are not bad after all eh ? ;-) (Please don't sue me for saying this! This post is being written @3:30AM and I'm half asleep)
I guess I'll hit the sack now, but will catch you soon. Don't expect much blogging till around Dec :)
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Why isn't saaketh posting nowadays ??

Just few more days and I guess I'll be back ... a break always helps anyway (even if you weren't doing anything :P)
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Yet another reason why I'm a jerk !!
Thats my mom and the link above is her website... with no help from her son who did his graduation in computer science !! Well I'm not to blame completely, after all I never had a thing or patience to sit before the comp and design things :D
Anyway I guess its in my blood to appreciate art and that explains why I'm such a sucker towards arts & not science though I'm a science grad :)
Oh moreover she works for nearly 18hrs per day while I sleep for 18hrs per day on many occasions :D and did I forget to mention that she knows nearly 100 different types of arts from tanjore painting and sculptures to knitting, type writing etc ...
She sat down once to count and stopped at around 106 if I'm not wrong.
I speak of all those leaders and blah blah, I guess my mom does deserve a post dedicated for her
PS: I know I'm a lazy bum and haven't been posting. I MUST get back to post atleast one per week

Thats my mom and the link above is her website... with no help from her son who did his graduation in computer science !! Well I'm not to blame completely, after all I never had a thing or patience to sit before the comp and design things :D
Anyway I guess its in my blood to appreciate art and that explains why I'm such a sucker towards arts & not science though I'm a science grad :)
Oh moreover she works for nearly 18hrs per day while I sleep for 18hrs per day on many occasions :D and did I forget to mention that she knows nearly 100 different types of arts from tanjore painting and sculptures to knitting, type writing etc ...
She sat down once to count and stopped at around 106 if I'm not wrong.
I speak of all those leaders and blah blah, I guess my mom does deserve a post dedicated for her
PS: I know I'm a lazy bum and haven't been posting. I MUST get back to post atleast one per week
Saturday, June 21, 2008
fete de la musique ...
Today i.e. 21st June happens to be World Music Day, and Alliance Francaise my French tutorial institute along with French embassy and Novotel and Airtel organised Fete de la musique, in other world a music festival. Organized very well by the students of the institute it started with classical Indian music, then moved on to classical western which included opera and then jazz, pop, instrumental, r&b, rock and finally dj ...
it was a feast to the ears. I simply loved it. Consisted of a pretty decent crowd, I was expecting more students but was pretty amazed to see nearly 30%foreigners(mostly French) and 30-40% elderly music lovers(say above 50) and the rest of them mostly families. Very few students or software guys. Overall around 1000 guys, should I say?
And then its in Novotel, so booze was flowing all around... it took LOT of resistance from my side as I need to drive back home :)
Anyway just wanted to give a quick update on the concert, so a small blog. I would say this is one of those must do things & don't miss the chance if you happen to be around next year same day :)
it was a feast to the ears. I simply loved it. Consisted of a pretty decent crowd, I was expecting more students but was pretty amazed to see nearly 30%foreigners(mostly French) and 30-40% elderly music lovers(say above 50) and the rest of them mostly families. Very few students or software guys. Overall around 1000 guys, should I say?
And then its in Novotel, so booze was flowing all around... it took LOT of resistance from my side as I need to drive back home :)
Anyway just wanted to give a quick update on the concert, so a small blog. I would say this is one of those must do things & don't miss the chance if you happen to be around next year same day :)
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Celebration means……
A winter evening.
Four friends.
One barsaat.
Four glasses of chai.
Celebration means……
Hundred bucks of petrol.
A rusty old bike.
And an open road.
Celebration means……
Maggi noodles.
A hostel room.
4.25 a.m.
Celebration means……
3 old friends.
3 separate cities.
3 coffee mugs.
1 internet messenger.
Celebration means……
Rain on a hot tin roof.
Pakodas deep-frying.
Neighbours dropping in.
A party.
Celebration means……
You and mom.
A summer night.
A bottle of coconut oil.
A head massage.
Gossiping about absent family members.
-Courtesy Yahoo fwds (Though a very old one, worth having in my blog)
A winter evening.
Four friends.
One barsaat.
Four glasses of chai.
Celebration means……
Hundred bucks of petrol.
A rusty old bike.
And an open road.
Celebration means……
Maggi noodles.
A hostel room.
4.25 a.m.
Celebration means……
3 old friends.
3 separate cities.
3 coffee mugs.
1 internet messenger.
Celebration means……
Rain on a hot tin roof.
Pakodas deep-frying.
Neighbours dropping in.
A party.
Celebration means……
You and mom.
A summer night.
A bottle of coconut oil.
A head massage.
Gossiping about absent family members.
-Courtesy Yahoo fwds (Though a very old one, worth having in my blog)
Thursday, June 5, 2008
1 yr at work
Please assume this is posted on 4th June 2008 :D
So yes I finished 1yr @DELL, doing good definitely good, and definitely worth all the infringe during placements not sitting for most of the dream companies (but for 1), I got and do get all the time I needed, to finish things I always wanted to, and with a decent pay for a bachelor :).
People might complain; there are people everywhere who complain, not everyone is happy either in MS or Yahoo or Amazon or ... the high paying companies. Well my point is there are people who always complain about the work they are doing and there are people who adjust and adapt to the environment and make their work life merrier, luckily I have been one of the latter. I wouldn't call my work remarkable, but I did leave a good impression with the managers and senior lot .. so far so good.
I joined the firm when it is doing very bad and is trying to make a comeback, the first thing I got to learn is whatever you do, whoever you are, you can be kicked out without second thought if you don't place yourself properly. The first thing I saw in my work is layoff with a 10% headcount reduction and then rampup of projects retiring almost 4000 projects. In my one year I worked with 3managers on two domains Finance & Sales, the 1st manager left as a part of layoff, the 2nd team got dismantled and the projects retired and the 3rd team is about to breakup and by month end I'll be working with a new manager.I worked on 3projects, the 1st one retired, 2nd one is scheduled end of life in December and the 3rd one will retire in an yr or two.
So in such a situation people can do two things, complain there is no stability and not able to put full effort on a single project and blah blah, or learn to deal with ambiguity, learn how important is positioning in a company and learn how you can use the time you have, the domain knowledge and the resources company provides to help career progression.
So ya well the point being, I'm happy and planning to stay here for another 2years (salary is a trade off I accept to deal with). I don't think I'll be kicked off unless something drastic happens. To all my readers esp juniors (if any), the key to stay happy is to stop cribbing & work on the things you don't like.
- Too much of gyaan, end of post (no proof reading as usual)
So yes I finished 1yr @DELL, doing good definitely good, and definitely worth all the infringe during placements not sitting for most of the dream companies (but for 1), I got and do get all the time I needed, to finish things I always wanted to, and with a decent pay for a bachelor :).
People might complain; there are people everywhere who complain, not everyone is happy either in MS or Yahoo or Amazon or ... the high paying companies. Well my point is there are people who always complain about the work they are doing and there are people who adjust and adapt to the environment and make their work life merrier, luckily I have been one of the latter. I wouldn't call my work remarkable, but I did leave a good impression with the managers and senior lot .. so far so good.
I joined the firm when it is doing very bad and is trying to make a comeback, the first thing I got to learn is whatever you do, whoever you are, you can be kicked out without second thought if you don't place yourself properly. The first thing I saw in my work is layoff with a 10% headcount reduction and then rampup of projects retiring almost 4000 projects. In my one year I worked with 3managers on two domains Finance & Sales, the 1st manager left as a part of layoff, the 2nd team got dismantled and the projects retired and the 3rd team is about to breakup and by month end I'll be working with a new manager.I worked on 3projects, the 1st one retired, 2nd one is scheduled end of life in December and the 3rd one will retire in an yr or two.
So in such a situation people can do two things, complain there is no stability and not able to put full effort on a single project and blah blah, or learn to deal with ambiguity, learn how important is positioning in a company and learn how you can use the time you have, the domain knowledge and the resources company provides to help career progression.
So ya well the point being, I'm happy and planning to stay here for another 2years (salary is a trade off I accept to deal with). I don't think I'll be kicked off unless something drastic happens. To all my readers esp juniors (if any), the key to stay happy is to stop cribbing & work on the things you don't like.
- Too much of gyaan, end of post (no proof reading as usual)
life and philo
Saturday, May 31, 2008
I cheat on her !!
Before you decide to be judgmental and start throwing all that gyaan on me, let me brief you, its all gonna be a disappointment ;).
So here I'm one day (27th) looking at my old friend with whom I have been for the last 4yrs. She hasn't changed a bit in these years .. although I tried to get her to do a makeover once she remained the same old self; beautiful, simpleton, plain, a little few extra pounds though; like one of the heroines from 70s ;). I was always proud to have her. I used to(I still do once in a while) brag about her when among friends, and they would tell me how lucky I'm to have her and how difficult is it to maintain the pompous ones they were with. But I changed, changed a lot in these 4yrs, I'm everything but for what I was back then. People change and its common, and I was thinking its time I change her too. Not that there is anything wrong with her, but I reached a stage where I can't just stay with her ... I needed more, I had my own desires(wants not needs) she couldn't satisfy.
Say coincidence, fate whatever but on the same day I see someone else.. gorgeous, extravagant, stylish, urbanite and ofcourse slim, like one of those heroines from the 2010 :D ... and thats it I decide to lay my hands on her whatsoever. All night I tried to tell myself that my good old friend is still perfect for me and its just the hormones kicking in disabling my power to distinguish between wants and needs and then there is this thing that I know I wont be able to handle such an extravagant miss for long.
28th morning ... I try to forget everything and stay with my old friend, went to office happily, some important work but overall a nice day, came back home by 6 and the urge to 'own' the beauty hit me again .... This time I don't think I fought for even a minute, I decided to cheat on my old friend. I decided to tell her I'm going away for a few weeks on work and so I did.
This is how the eventful thing happened after a lot of cogitating:
Started the bike went to the store bought the new HTC S710, removed the SIM card from 1100 and lo & behold I have a new mobile after using 1100 for 4yrs.
hehe I know such a stupid narration, I just wrote whatever came to my mind not even bothering to proof read it once, lazy me :D. I thought I'll say 1100 retired, but then I realized I still own the piece and could get back on it whenever I want so cheating sounded apt :D
I don't think posting the pic here is such a nice idea, viewers can figure out the story even before the start reading it :), but what the hell its a dumb story anyway ..so here is my new HTC s710 .....
So here I'm one day (27th) looking at my old friend with whom I have been for the last 4yrs. She hasn't changed a bit in these years .. although I tried to get her to do a makeover once she remained the same old self; beautiful, simpleton, plain, a little few extra pounds though; like one of the heroines from 70s ;). I was always proud to have her. I used to(I still do once in a while) brag about her when among friends, and they would tell me how lucky I'm to have her and how difficult is it to maintain the pompous ones they were with. But I changed, changed a lot in these 4yrs, I'm everything but for what I was back then. People change and its common, and I was thinking its time I change her too. Not that there is anything wrong with her, but I reached a stage where I can't just stay with her ... I needed more, I had my own desires(wants not needs) she couldn't satisfy.
Say coincidence, fate whatever but on the same day I see someone else.. gorgeous, extravagant, stylish, urbanite and ofcourse slim, like one of those heroines from the 2010 :D ... and thats it I decide to lay my hands on her whatsoever. All night I tried to tell myself that my good old friend is still perfect for me and its just the hormones kicking in disabling my power to distinguish between wants and needs and then there is this thing that I know I wont be able to handle such an extravagant miss for long.
28th morning ... I try to forget everything and stay with my old friend, went to office happily, some important work but overall a nice day, came back home by 6 and the urge to 'own' the beauty hit me again .... This time I don't think I fought for even a minute, I decided to cheat on my old friend. I decided to tell her I'm going away for a few weeks on work and so I did.
This is how the eventful thing happened after a lot of cogitating:
Started the bike went to the store bought the new HTC S710, removed the SIM card from 1100 and lo & behold I have a new mobile after using 1100 for 4yrs.
hehe I know such a stupid narration, I just wrote whatever came to my mind not even bothering to proof read it once, lazy me :D. I thought I'll say 1100 retired, but then I realized I still own the piece and could get back on it whenever I want so cheating sounded apt :D
I don't think posting the pic here is such a nice idea, viewers can figure out the story even before the start reading it :), but what the hell its a dumb story anyway ..so here is my new HTC s710 .....

crazy fun,
life and philo
Monday, May 19, 2008
SFOs and MFOs
naah, its has nothing to do with UFOs. SFO is Single Family Office and MFO is multiple family offices. I should admit that though I always knew of their existence, I never knew the formal terminology nor the minimum criteria till today. For those of you who haven't heard of them, SFO manage the family portfolio and include services like children admission to best institutes for the worlds richest. These SFOs include not more than 10people on an average, and manage assets of $100 million or more and are paid upto nearly $3 million. SFOs are all over the world, after a certain stage it becomes very difficult for the family to run their own family business, a private team of professionals is hired to manage the assets on their behalf, they inturn act as strategic decision makers along with banks to run the business. MFOs are a team of SFOs together along with some banks and other financial firms, which manage more than one family assets.
This system is not alien to the rich families, it is the same system followed wrt law firms also. An individual lawyer or a team manages critical decisions with legal impact for rich families, these private lawyers play a major role in the family over decades and help in both domestic and foreign decisions.
These privae law firms, financial firms ... etc which work only for rich families and manage assets worth billions of dollars played and will play key role in the strategic development not just of the family and those whose lives revolve around the family business, but in the development at a higher level thanks to their huge deals with most banks (some private and some nationalised), the hedge funds they manage, the assets and equities their masters own.
Afterall he who has the gold makes the rules :)
This system is not alien to the rich families, it is the same system followed wrt law firms also. An individual lawyer or a team manages critical decisions with legal impact for rich families, these private lawyers play a major role in the family over decades and help in both domestic and foreign decisions.
These privae law firms, financial firms ... etc which work only for rich families and manage assets worth billions of dollars played and will play key role in the strategic development not just of the family and those whose lives revolve around the family business, but in the development at a higher level thanks to their huge deals with most banks (some private and some nationalised), the hedge funds they manage, the assets and equities their masters own.
Afterall he who has the gold makes the rules :)
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Too many things...
Well this might sound strange but the reason behind not posting for the last 15days is not because I didn't have any topic, but I had too many and I don't know which one to choose. I decided to not post any more "In response to" posts, and leave them in draft mode so that people wont get bored :), maybe I can start a private blog to store all those. Well apart from that there have been MANY incidents in the last 15days which kept provoking me to write, be it crazy IPL & the reason behind DC failure, Olympics/Tibet issue, blasts in Jaipur, Earthquake in China, introduction of womens bill in parliament, elections for 1yr post in Telangana, change in Russian presidency, changing markets & increasing prices, remarks on inflation by Bush, Obama's comeback, global warming and increasing temperatures, blackberry issue, and on personal front about my sister who finished her +2 and discussions @home between engineering vs non-engineering (no points for guessing, I'm in favor of non-engineering :) ), my changed schedule (5:30AM - 11PM daily :D), Khuda ke liye and other movie reviews, religious fanatism (had an elaborate discussion with another friend :) ), the dilemma of a friend on MS in US, a friend addicted to coffee (I think she needs rehab), and then last but not the least to crib regarding a friend who went on a 8day trip with 7other girls to Singapore,Malaysia.
Now you know what the dilemma is all about :D, now you know why I haven't really been posting. I have one huge post on each of these topics, and I couldn't chose one to start with. Everytime I sit down to write I see something else on tv :( seriously it was a lot of strain on my brain :D.
Now you know what the dilemma is all about :D, now you know why I haven't really been posting. I have one huge post on each of these topics, and I couldn't chose one to start with. Everytime I sit down to write I see something else on tv :( seriously it was a lot of strain on my brain :D.
International Affairs
Saturday, May 3, 2008
In response to ...
From now on you may find a few of my responses to some of the articles in other sites posted here, after all I need a place to save these :)
So don't even bother to waste your time reading these unless you have time to read the original post.
This is in response to "What is the Future of State Capitalism?" by James Heskett (http://hbswk.hbs.edu/item/5928.html). This response might not have content in depth, but then the topic is one of its kind :)
Well to start with, quite clearly, there is no correct answer to these questions. While the past decade has seen many major changes in the global economy and the effect of strategic decisions, it has also seen the emergence of state owned corporations and the changes in the conventional laws and regulations allowing these corporations to invest across the globe. Other than few outcries little has been done or can be done to regulate and make the investment strategies and practices more transparent. Necessity is the most critical scamp here and then there are investments due to political reasons.
It takes a lot of courage for the regional laws and regulations to deal with global markets. But it is not as easy as it seems to be when political interests are involved, and coming up with a global agreement in the near future is very unlikely especially when those to be regulated are state owned firms.
In many ways these state owned firms insure the world’s prosperity as long as the key decisions are in favor of making money for the state but then as mentioned there are inefficiencies like corruption and poor investment decisions which might bring about a new equilibrium when managing huge corporations.
So what can really be done is make the investments more transparent regionally and keep a check on who is investing and where. While global agreement isn’t very easy, some kind of transparency standards can be brought up across the free markets.
Well as Alexander Pope wrote in his ‘An Essay on Man’; “Order is Heaven's first law; and this confessed, some are and must be greater than the rest, more rich, more wise; but who infers from hence that such are happier, shock all commonsense.”, and an order can be brought about only when this is accepted by all the markets.
So don't even bother to waste your time reading these unless you have time to read the original post.
This is in response to "What is the Future of State Capitalism?" by James Heskett (http://hbswk.hbs.edu/item/5928.html). This response might not have content in depth, but then the topic is one of its kind :)
Well to start with, quite clearly, there is no correct answer to these questions. While the past decade has seen many major changes in the global economy and the effect of strategic decisions, it has also seen the emergence of state owned corporations and the changes in the conventional laws and regulations allowing these corporations to invest across the globe. Other than few outcries little has been done or can be done to regulate and make the investment strategies and practices more transparent. Necessity is the most critical scamp here and then there are investments due to political reasons.
It takes a lot of courage for the regional laws and regulations to deal with global markets. But it is not as easy as it seems to be when political interests are involved, and coming up with a global agreement in the near future is very unlikely especially when those to be regulated are state owned firms.
In many ways these state owned firms insure the world’s prosperity as long as the key decisions are in favor of making money for the state but then as mentioned there are inefficiencies like corruption and poor investment decisions which might bring about a new equilibrium when managing huge corporations.
So what can really be done is make the investments more transparent regionally and keep a check on who is investing and where. While global agreement isn’t very easy, some kind of transparency standards can be brought up across the free markets.
Well as Alexander Pope wrote in his ‘An Essay on Man’; “Order is Heaven's first law; and this confessed, some are and must be greater than the rest, more rich, more wise; but who infers from hence that such are happier, shock all commonsense.”, and an order can be brought about only when this is accepted by all the markets.
In response to ..,
International Affairs
Friday, May 2, 2008
Not really a post !!
Well I know I'm not supposed to be here till May 2nd week, but then what the hell I won't have anything to post even then anyway hehe ...
[To all the jobless people reading this post, its gonna be complete arbitrary stuff]
few updates:
1. Everything is going good @work, got an award as outstanding individual contributor for doing nothing :D
2. Registered for PG Diploma in Customer Relationship Management from Symbiosis, DELL is mostly likely gonna sponsor it.
3. Watched Harry Met Sally & 50 first dates for the hundredth+ time :)
4. Btw came home i.e. Vijayawada ... May 1st to May4th and it's 39degrees on April 30th & 43degrees on May1st, what a welcome !! oh to top that, the AC wasn't working :(
5. I'm still the same weight as I was in Jan, happy :D ... I really get all nervous when I see most of my colleagues with a tummy bellying out of their shirts ;)
"He who has the gold makes the rules"
How very true ..oh for people who didn't know this, it is the ironic version of the 'golden rule' used usually by economists and traders and believed to be true by an exuberant like me. How very true, how very true
It also gives you the power when you make the rules. You have the upper hand in negotiation. Did you know the story of Wallmart and the hard high hand it has in the negotiations ?? It never compromises.. NEVER!! You have a problem with that, the deal is out & so is your business. That is the reason why it is not advised to make deals with a single client worth more than 20% of your business.
Well I don't know why I started the topic so lemme end it here ... if you want some intellectual discussion on wallmart & power+gold, please feel free to ping me hehe
or read Nash equilibrium if you have more time
hmm ... I have these innumerable arbitrary topics in my mind rt now, and I think I'll start blogging once in a while on these... but then it would sound like essay writing or analytical write ups ..lol ...so a warning to all my poor readers (if there is anyone after this post hehe)
[To all the jobless people reading this post, its gonna be complete arbitrary stuff]
few updates:
1. Everything is going good @work, got an award as outstanding individual contributor for doing nothing :D
2. Registered for PG Diploma in Customer Relationship Management from Symbiosis, DELL is mostly likely gonna sponsor it.
3. Watched Harry Met Sally & 50 first dates for the hundredth+ time :)
4. Btw came home i.e. Vijayawada ... May 1st to May4th and it's 39degrees on April 30th & 43degrees on May1st, what a welcome !! oh to top that, the AC wasn't working :(
5. I'm still the same weight as I was in Jan, happy :D ... I really get all nervous when I see most of my colleagues with a tummy bellying out of their shirts ;)
"He who has the gold makes the rules"
How very true ..oh for people who didn't know this, it is the ironic version of the 'golden rule' used usually by economists and traders and believed to be true by an exuberant like me. How very true, how very true
It also gives you the power when you make the rules. You have the upper hand in negotiation. Did you know the story of Wallmart and the hard high hand it has in the negotiations ?? It never compromises.. NEVER!! You have a problem with that, the deal is out & so is your business. That is the reason why it is not advised to make deals with a single client worth more than 20% of your business.
Well I don't know why I started the topic so lemme end it here ... if you want some intellectual discussion on wallmart & power+gold, please feel free to ping me hehe
or read Nash equilibrium if you have more time
hmm ... I have these innumerable arbitrary topics in my mind rt now, and I think I'll start blogging once in a while on these... but then it would sound like essay writing or analytical write ups ..lol ...so a warning to all my poor readers (if there is anyone after this post hehe)
International Affairs
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Monday, April 7, 2008
A perfect guy thing over the weekend
NO it's not beer n sex nor is it beer n xbox, its a bike ride, YES I drove all the way to my grandparents village(200kms from Hyd towards Vij on NH9) on my bike. Can you imagine, CAN YOU IMAGINE what it was like ?? I simple have no words. Let me describe a few memorable things:
1. I chased rain for around 30-35kms, yes it was raining exactly before I reach the place and the roads were slippery, so I started to chase the rain..vroom vroooom it started to drizzle on me ..vrooooooom and it started to rain vroooooooooooooooooooom and i overtook it :D, now it was raining behind me [later the newspapers reported a hailstorm in one of the places and 5people died phew!!]
2. Now its a race against the rain, the rain was behind me and dark clouds hovering beyond me, the sun trying to peep through and glance at me from behind those clouds ... DAMN DAMN DAMN, there wasn't a second during the journey when I felt bad that I didn't have a camera with me :( :(( :((( It was like that ad "Why listen to the sound of humans when you can listen to the sounds of heaven" :)
3. Then there were these vast stretches of green fields and lakes which don't need any introduction nor description :)
4. and last but not the least, straight roads where my Glamour could touch 110kmph [no this is not an ad for Glamour but then it DID touch 110 :) on a straight road & no slope]
All this while going to my g.parents place .... and the journey back was no less exciting with a 'no sun - no rain' day and some 3 dark clouds protecting me from the hot sun it was quite a nice & pleasant journey overall, with ofcourse a lot of scolding from all the near & dear :D
So... Isn't it a perfect guy thing to do :->
1. I chased rain for around 30-35kms, yes it was raining exactly before I reach the place and the roads were slippery, so I started to chase the rain..vroom vroooom it started to drizzle on me ..vrooooooom and it started to rain vroooooooooooooooooooom and i overtook it :D, now it was raining behind me [later the newspapers reported a hailstorm in one of the places and 5people died phew!!]
2. Now its a race against the rain, the rain was behind me and dark clouds hovering beyond me, the sun trying to peep through and glance at me from behind those clouds ... DAMN DAMN DAMN, there wasn't a second during the journey when I felt bad that I didn't have a camera with me :( :(( :((( It was like that ad "Why listen to the sound of humans when you can listen to the sounds of heaven" :)
3. Then there were these vast stretches of green fields and lakes which don't need any introduction nor description :)
4. and last but not the least, straight roads where my Glamour could touch 110kmph [no this is not an ad for Glamour but then it DID touch 110 :) on a straight road & no slope]
All this while going to my g.parents place .... and the journey back was no less exciting with a 'no sun - no rain' day and some 3 dark clouds protecting me from the hot sun it was quite a nice & pleasant journey overall, with ofcourse a lot of scolding from all the near & dear :D
So... Isn't it a perfect guy thing to do :->
crazy fun
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Lets talk business !!
This occurred to me when I participated in a survey conducted by two ICFAI students in person as a part of their project, and I happened to fill their form which was studying the Indian retail investor and they gave me a compliment that I think very different from others around me and have a good business mind, why, the question is WHY don't people care about themselves ?? They are in search of love, in search of money, in search of everything in life but don't care to take care of themselves.
As someone said "Pray for what you want, but work for what you need"
Most Indian upper middle class, especially the IT folk tend to neglect what they actually are meant to be, engineers i.e. innovators or developers. Not just develop code but should be able to develop yourself and people around you. But all I see around me are people who crib, who crib that they don't get what they want in life.
Anyway I guess I have deviated a little too much from the topic, so lets talk business. No I'm not trying to promote my business idea, but was wondering when some discussion came up and a colleague of mine and I had a discussion over marketing vs ethics. Should/Can marketing of a product break all ethical lines? Can the marketing head live with what he claims his product can do when he actually knows it can't in most cases??
Do you think one glass of milk with any supplement can give you enough energy for whole day?? Do you think you can be the best just because you use X blade and not Y blade ?? Do you think your jeans can replace your bf and give you the feel of touch ? Do you think your shampoo can wipe away all your dandruff in just one go ?? Do you think ANY bank can give you always profits in mutual funds? Do you think, Do you think, Do you think ??
Well this is a well debated topic and like in any other argument there is no right or wrong to it, its just the way an eristic can put it forward. People like my colleague should understand that its not a matter of ethics but its an art of persuasion, this reminds me of "Rhetoric" written by Aristotle, my all time favourite philosopher :)
There are different methods of persuasion: By reason, my emotion, subliminal messaging with the aid of rhetoric, sales techniques and other techniques include deception, power, seduction, or even brainwashing or to the extreme of torture. Ofcourse doing anything against the will of the customer wouldn't be legal, so forget about direct torture or power. Now techniques like deception, seduction, brain washing are seen very commonly in todays advertising.
Deception doesn't necessarily mean cheating, in advertising world it just means conveying selective information which most of the times is half-truth. In order to deal with the legal aspects of it, all that the advertiser has to do is add a '*' with conditions apply in the bottom. Retail customers never try to find out what these conditions are, nor do they ask what side effects does the product cause unless they are medicines. So mission accomplished.
Seduction involves temptation and enticement to influence the behavior of another. Now do I have to say anything more on this? Thanks to todays movie stars or other popular personalities, we find every third ad involving seduction some sexual in nature and some just entice.
And then there is brain storming, brain storming involves all the above plus frequent advertising, the more you see it the more you remember it when you are making a purchase the next time. You see a washing powder ad 10times during your favourite show, you tend to try it the next time you go to the store. Pure brainwashing.
So the question is, is it wrong to exaggerate in advertising ?? I would say NO, not if you are the advertiser :) but as a customer I'd want to see only what I get. However human mind is very complicated. An advertisement which shows only what you get doesn't attract enough audience or attention however a overhyped ad would draw more attention, and this is what marketing agencies use in their strategy. So who is to be blamed ?? The customer or the advertiser or the producer ???
No one, the advertiser has to just stick within his boundaries, the producer has to give his best and invest more in research and better his product always, and the customer has to take an informed decision rather than just go by advertising. The legal constraints can be made more strict, for example the case of Indian packaged foods which are supposed to print the expiry date, MRP, Calories, and all the ingredients of the package; you can see hundreds of products with some or none of the above on the pack. A condom without an expiry date will do, but not food products or medicines. A biscuit packet without calories might be acceptable but not pure oil based products.
Similar care can be taken in other products also and tighten the rules further, but strict ethics and marketing don't really go hand in hand if you want to run your business successfully and be profitable :).
As someone said "Pray for what you want, but work for what you need"
Most Indian upper middle class, especially the IT folk tend to neglect what they actually are meant to be, engineers i.e. innovators or developers. Not just develop code but should be able to develop yourself and people around you. But all I see around me are people who crib, who crib that they don't get what they want in life.
Anyway I guess I have deviated a little too much from the topic, so lets talk business. No I'm not trying to promote my business idea, but was wondering when some discussion came up and a colleague of mine and I had a discussion over marketing vs ethics. Should/Can marketing of a product break all ethical lines? Can the marketing head live with what he claims his product can do when he actually knows it can't in most cases??
Do you think one glass of milk with any supplement can give you enough energy for whole day?? Do you think you can be the best just because you use X blade and not Y blade ?? Do you think your jeans can replace your bf and give you the feel of touch ? Do you think your shampoo can wipe away all your dandruff in just one go ?? Do you think ANY bank can give you always profits in mutual funds? Do you think, Do you think, Do you think ??
Well this is a well debated topic and like in any other argument there is no right or wrong to it, its just the way an eristic can put it forward. People like my colleague should understand that its not a matter of ethics but its an art of persuasion, this reminds me of "Rhetoric" written by Aristotle, my all time favourite philosopher :)
There are different methods of persuasion: By reason, my emotion, subliminal messaging with the aid of rhetoric, sales techniques and other techniques include deception, power, seduction, or even brainwashing or to the extreme of torture. Ofcourse doing anything against the will of the customer wouldn't be legal, so forget about direct torture or power. Now techniques like deception, seduction, brain washing are seen very commonly in todays advertising.
Deception doesn't necessarily mean cheating, in advertising world it just means conveying selective information which most of the times is half-truth. In order to deal with the legal aspects of it, all that the advertiser has to do is add a '*' with conditions apply in the bottom. Retail customers never try to find out what these conditions are, nor do they ask what side effects does the product cause unless they are medicines. So mission accomplished.
Seduction involves temptation and enticement to influence the behavior of another. Now do I have to say anything more on this? Thanks to todays movie stars or other popular personalities, we find every third ad involving seduction some sexual in nature and some just entice.
And then there is brain storming, brain storming involves all the above plus frequent advertising, the more you see it the more you remember it when you are making a purchase the next time. You see a washing powder ad 10times during your favourite show, you tend to try it the next time you go to the store. Pure brainwashing.
So the question is, is it wrong to exaggerate in advertising ?? I would say NO, not if you are the advertiser :) but as a customer I'd want to see only what I get. However human mind is very complicated. An advertisement which shows only what you get doesn't attract enough audience or attention however a overhyped ad would draw more attention, and this is what marketing agencies use in their strategy. So who is to be blamed ?? The customer or the advertiser or the producer ???
No one, the advertiser has to just stick within his boundaries, the producer has to give his best and invest more in research and better his product always, and the customer has to take an informed decision rather than just go by advertising. The legal constraints can be made more strict, for example the case of Indian packaged foods which are supposed to print the expiry date, MRP, Calories, and all the ingredients of the package; you can see hundreds of products with some or none of the above on the pack. A condom without an expiry date will do, but not food products or medicines. A biscuit packet without calories might be acceptable but not pure oil based products.
Similar care can be taken in other products also and tighten the rules further, but strict ethics and marketing don't really go hand in hand if you want to run your business successfully and be profitable :).
Single or mingle !!??
It was a long day, not because I had lot of work (I did but work never exhausts me, surprisingly ..well actually nothing does, beats me why) but because of my presence during a list of relationships going haywire around me(none mine ofcourse, I'm still single & easy to mingle :D). Sad part of MY story is, all these sad endings I saw today had almost the same reason: "People wanting their partner to change"
My readers should correct me here if I'm wrong because I was never in an actual relationship(but for few short, no strings attached kinds), don't people in a relationship love the other person for what she/he is ?? Shouldn't that be the reason for love? If it is then why would you want the other person to change? I can understand if its some 10yrs down the line and both take each other for granted and feel they are the same heart & same soul and they actually saw the others lives completely & know if they need to change or not ... but early in a relationship ?!! even before marriage :O .. The question is WHY ?? Are people so desperate to be in a relationship that they are ready to give up what they are and what they believe in and what they want in their lives?? Are people so desperate to be in a relationship that they just go find a partner & change him/her according to her/his thoughts ??
I know a girl who is VERY rich and is planning on forming a trust and giving all the money to the trust with some share as dowry/gifts for her wedding (she lost her parents few years back so has to take care of herself) and wants live on self earned money (she is a doctor too), but 99% of the guys who came with a marriage proposal want all her money along with her and charity is unacceptable. duh!! We are guys, we are supposed to be egoistic and chauvinistic pigs, not want someone else hard earned money even if its your in-laws or even parents, and the other 1% want her to stay @home and stop working and be ideal homemaker, again duh!!!!! We are guys and should be proud in the circle of friends and colleagues if our partner is doing good in her career, isn't that how it should be in the minimum case if not all liberal ??
OK fine, another girl is modern and not very religious, after being in a relationship with her for around 4months or so the guys asks her to change her nature when they get married, he wants her to be a ideal Andhra bride, give up career & serve his parents, become religious (which she isn't, how come someone who is not religious become religious just for a relationship :O :O :O, I'm still in dark over this point, please enlighten me), and mostly a homemaker if that is what his parents would want. AAAAAAaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh then why her ?? Didn't he know that she is she & not someone he wants for his future ?? What made him think she'll change ?
Its almost the same when it comes to girls also, this another girl gets into a relationship with a guy who loves non veg, and she wants him to stop non-veg for her. But WHY WHY WHY ??? Can't you be a veggie while he is a nv?
As far as I see, relationships should not start nor go towards adjustments. Ofcourse marriage & relationships demand for a lot of compromises but it has to be the partners choice to choose and prioritize the list of adjustments, not be forced into. All you have to do is make her feel you are worth every moment and every compromise and every sacrifice your partner makes and is ready to make for you.
These are a few reasons I guess why any relationship be it in business or in life is given a 7yr target (A business is said to be stable if its crosses the 7yr mark, and a marriage is said to be successful if they are together after 7yrs :) )
PS1: This post may sound a little too pro women, but then ain't we all guys dogs :D
PS2: If Feb 14th is celebrated as Valentines day, lets celebrate Oct 16th as bachelors day (my bday :D)
PS3: I can write on this forever but I think I should stop now :D
My readers should correct me here if I'm wrong because I was never in an actual relationship(but for few short, no strings attached kinds), don't people in a relationship love the other person for what she/he is ?? Shouldn't that be the reason for love? If it is then why would you want the other person to change? I can understand if its some 10yrs down the line and both take each other for granted and feel they are the same heart & same soul and they actually saw the others lives completely & know if they need to change or not ... but early in a relationship ?!! even before marriage :O .. The question is WHY ?? Are people so desperate to be in a relationship that they are ready to give up what they are and what they believe in and what they want in their lives?? Are people so desperate to be in a relationship that they just go find a partner & change him/her according to her/his thoughts ??
I know a girl who is VERY rich and is planning on forming a trust and giving all the money to the trust with some share as dowry/gifts for her wedding (she lost her parents few years back so has to take care of herself) and wants live on self earned money (she is a doctor too), but 99% of the guys who came with a marriage proposal want all her money along with her and charity is unacceptable. duh!! We are guys, we are supposed to be egoistic and chauvinistic pigs, not want someone else hard earned money even if its your in-laws or even parents, and the other 1% want her to stay @home and stop working and be ideal homemaker, again duh!!!!! We are guys and should be proud in the circle of friends and colleagues if our partner is doing good in her career, isn't that how it should be in the minimum case if not all liberal ??
OK fine, another girl is modern and not very religious, after being in a relationship with her for around 4months or so the guys asks her to change her nature when they get married, he wants her to be a ideal Andhra bride, give up career & serve his parents, become religious (which she isn't, how come someone who is not religious become religious just for a relationship :O :O :O, I'm still in dark over this point, please enlighten me), and mostly a homemaker if that is what his parents would want. AAAAAAaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh then why her ?? Didn't he know that she is she & not someone he wants for his future ?? What made him think she'll change ?
Its almost the same when it comes to girls also, this another girl gets into a relationship with a guy who loves non veg, and she wants him to stop non-veg for her. But WHY WHY WHY ??? Can't you be a veggie while he is a nv?
As far as I see, relationships should not start nor go towards adjustments. Ofcourse marriage & relationships demand for a lot of compromises but it has to be the partners choice to choose and prioritize the list of adjustments, not be forced into. All you have to do is make her feel you are worth every moment and every compromise and every sacrifice your partner makes and is ready to make for you.
These are a few reasons I guess why any relationship be it in business or in life is given a 7yr target (A business is said to be stable if its crosses the 7yr mark, and a marriage is said to be successful if they are together after 7yrs :) )
PS1: This post may sound a little too pro women, but then ain't we all guys dogs :D
PS2: If Feb 14th is celebrated as Valentines day, lets celebrate Oct 16th as bachelors day (my bday :D)
PS3: I can write on this forever but I think I should stop now :D
life and philo
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
The April 1st post
Well have been a little busy in life recently (NO, not with work :) luckily for me),
1. Recently went to MV Foundation ( http://www.mvfindia.in/index.asp) (all together a different post), spent time with the kids for half a day
2. Made few new friends outside office, don't even ask me how quite weird coincident situations made us friends :)
3. Got to know few more 'relationship' stories, mostly which didn't work
4. Thanks to Arora ug2k3 yearbook is up & running again, but apparently I'm the only one who is not able to login :( :(( :((((
5. I'm getting screwed this Friday, literally screwed !! Escape is not an option, truth guarantees nothing :)
6. Don't DON'T ask me why this post is titled so, just felt this would be the easiest way to fool my readers :D lol I know
7. I don't feel like typing nowadays & have got this urge to use pen & paper !! I know its just a phase :) but still ...
8. I saw 1-2-3 movie (latest hindi flick) & no comments on this .................
9. Its been more than a week since I tasted rice, I have been living on subs & pizzas lately :D & ofcourse no regrets :P
10. Just wanted to finish 10pts
1. Recently went to MV Foundation ( http://www.mvfindia.in/index.asp) (all together a different post), spent time with the kids for half a day
2. Made few new friends outside office, don't even ask me how quite weird coincident situations made us friends :)
3. Got to know few more 'relationship' stories, mostly which didn't work
4. Thanks to Arora ug2k3 yearbook is up & running again, but apparently I'm the only one who is not able to login :( :(( :((((
5. I'm getting screwed this Friday, literally screwed !! Escape is not an option, truth guarantees nothing :)
6. Don't DON'T ask me why this post is titled so, just felt this would be the easiest way to fool my readers :D lol I know
7. I don't feel like typing nowadays & have got this urge to use pen & paper !! I know its just a phase :) but still ...
8. I saw 1-2-3 movie (latest hindi flick) & no comments on this .................
9. Its been more than a week since I tasted rice, I have been living on subs & pizzas lately :D & ofcourse no regrets :P
10. Just wanted to finish 10pts
crazy fun
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Pride Shattered and Ego altered
Now this is the story all about how my life got twisted upside down and I like to take a minute and sit right there I'll tell you how my ego got altered in just a day...
Let me introduce you to a guy I know,
his father is in the airforce & he has seen almost all of India... he studies in army school ... he is smart, good looking, intelligent, ... has decided he wont get married ... and has clear plans on what to do in his life .... thats about his career ....he is surrounded by girls most of the time ... a girl proposed & asked him to kiss her & he did & later things went to a stage where girls parents intervened.... now another girl proposed & he said he'll think abt it & the issue is still on hold
thats his luv life ...He is a stylish guy, he doesn't like rice or most Indian foods ... he prefers pizzas burgers doughnuts and ...he only likes designer wear and doesn't like to compromise on anything in style ..... he is conscious of his looks & his hair and he insists on using hairgel ..
Like most tough guys he likes bikes over cars
Now Now tell me 1 reason why any guy wouldn't have his pride shattered by this guy !!
Now the fact is he is my 8year old nephew S :D .. damn I wish I could be like him hehe
Ya, by now you must be pissed off and you also know that my nephew is in town... I bunked my office & we roamed around on my bike and I'm going back on friday, so off blogspot for a while :) I got a lot more to learn from him hehe ..
life and philo
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Numbers vs Percentages
What is the 1st thing that attracts a common man towards IIMs or other management schools?? Yes, ofcourse it is the high salary the graduates from these schools are offered, recently the highest pay for an IIM graduate was announced as 1.44Crores and people went all gaga about it. But how many know the true picture behind any college placements ?? How many realize that it's only 1-2 guys who get a crore and not the whole class ?? Well this not only rises the expectations of the common man (to see his/her children get into one such schools) but also forces them to take windy decisions and pressurising the child way from their 1st class (.. lol yes that's true, you have schools offering IIT oriented education from 1st class)
Only few realize the truth behind college placements, only very few realize the truth behind numbers. And those who did are those who could manage their assets and are those who could make money not only for themselves but for others around them. Yes, percentages, this is the reason why financial analysts depend largely on fractions and percentages but not on numbers. Approach any insider and ask him what is the 1st thing he would see in a company before investing in it, the answer would be various percentages and never NEVER absolute numbers.
The same applies to placements, why do you think all colleges announce the max salary in absolute numbers and number of students placed in percentage ?? Ofcourse because what you see is not what you get!! A wise man wouldn't see the highest salary or the least salary, and infact he wouldn't even want to see the average salary, neither of them show the true picture... but what do are what percentage of students falling into categories of salary i.e x% got salary above 10Lakhs, y% above 40 and z% above 80 ... or something in those lines. What also will are standard deviation or even better a histogram!!!
But ofcourse you won't get to see any of these unless you work on the data. All a common man gets to see is the highest salary as 1.44crores, CAT exam and 1lakh and increasing number of students giving the test and lots of institutes giving coaching & lots of publicity ... same is the case with IIT/AIEEE.
(No I don't have anything against these institutes nor the teaching standards nor the students who came out of it, but I have everything against the mania they started in India and the pressure put on both the parents and the students just because they don't see beyond a point)
and NO I'm not giving CAT this year also :)
and I can go on & on & on & on forever arguing about these topics, so I think I'll stop here now that I'm sure I have made my readers think.
Only few realize the truth behind college placements, only very few realize the truth behind numbers. And those who did are those who could manage their assets and are those who could make money not only for themselves but for others around them. Yes, percentages, this is the reason why financial analysts depend largely on fractions and percentages but not on numbers. Approach any insider and ask him what is the 1st thing he would see in a company before investing in it, the answer would be various percentages and never NEVER absolute numbers.
The same applies to placements, why do you think all colleges announce the max salary in absolute numbers and number of students placed in percentage ?? Ofcourse because what you see is not what you get!! A wise man wouldn't see the highest salary or the least salary, and infact he wouldn't even want to see the average salary, neither of them show the true picture... but what do are what percentage of students falling into categories of salary i.e x% got salary above 10Lakhs, y% above 40 and z% above 80 ... or something in those lines. What also will are standard deviation or even better a histogram!!!
But ofcourse you won't get to see any of these unless you work on the data. All a common man gets to see is the highest salary as 1.44crores, CAT exam and 1lakh and increasing number of students giving the test and lots of institutes giving coaching & lots of publicity ... same is the case with IIT/AIEEE.
(No I don't have anything against these institutes nor the teaching standards nor the students who came out of it, but I have everything against the mania they started in India and the pressure put on both the parents and the students just because they don't see beyond a point)
and NO I'm not giving CAT this year also :)
and I can go on & on & on & on forever arguing about these topics, so I think I'll stop here now that I'm sure I have made my readers think.
life and philo
Traffic signal and sugarcane juice
Its summer and 12:45Noon, scorching sun and I'm on my bike stuck in traffic waiting for the signal to change ... red .. red .. red ... still red ... yay yay orange, I start my bike & the car before me won't move ... beeeeeeeeeeep beeeeeeeeeeeep .. still no movement F*** F*** .. I try to go around and the car starts, so now I have to wait & after a few meters the car stops again F******* & the signal turns orange ... I now know I am stuck for somemore time, so finally I find my way away from the car & reach the other end of the road, FINALLY a deep breath ... & now start looking at all arbit things around and see a sugarcane juice guy, I wish I could jump from my bike grab a glass of chilled icy sugarcane & get back but but but ...
now you must be wondering what I'm trying to pull over here ..... well the story goes like this, I see a 10-12yr old girl carrying a 2yr old child and begging (no I have a strict no-no to encouraging begging and so I didn't offer her anything)... she's tapping the cars and asking for money to feed the child and what do I see ... what do I see ... the child is ACTUALLY having sugarcane juice from a bottle .. lol lol lol
once again makes my stand on no-no to encouraging begging stronger,
and those who have a soft corner in their hearts, please think twice or if needed thrice and those of you who are actually planning on suggesting me that I should have grabbed the childs bottle .. shooooo shoooo shoo away! :P
now you must be wondering what I'm trying to pull over here ..... well the story goes like this, I see a 10-12yr old girl carrying a 2yr old child and begging (no I have a strict no-no to encouraging begging and so I didn't offer her anything)... she's tapping the cars and asking for money to feed the child and what do I see ... what do I see ... the child is ACTUALLY having sugarcane juice from a bottle .. lol lol lol
once again makes my stand on no-no to encouraging begging stronger,
and those who have a soft corner in their hearts, please think twice or if needed thrice and those of you who are actually planning on suggesting me that I should have grabbed the childs bottle .. shooooo shoooo shoo away! :P
life and philo
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Womens day, hyderabad and ...
I was taken aback when one of our writers told me that her aunt was not allowed into a nightclub a few weeks ago because she was wearing a salwar-kurta. She was told that on an events night such as the one on that Wednesday, salwar was a strict no-no, that the aunt and others with her were finally allowed in after saying she was a journalist.
If in earlier days it was British imperialism that did not allow you to enter a sahibs club without a suit and boot(you still can't as a matter of fact), these days it is the American hegemony. We not only go to the pubs and malls like the Americans, but have dress rules like them too. Remember we are still in India which has strong traditions of dress and culture that cannot be ignored despite our predilections for coke and burgers. What could be a nightclub's objection to the sari or salwar? Whats is the point we are trying to make with such rules - that people who wear saris and salwars are mummyji types who cannot enter pubs? Or that there is no place for older women who cannot think of dressing in any other way?
Fashion designer Sabyasachi seems to have similar views. I quote from the interview: "I think a woman covered, showing just an inch of her ankle is more sensual that a woman who blatantly exposes because she doesn't leave anything to the imagination".
Indeed as Sharmila who brought yogasanas and pranayama back into our life says, the west has taken the best out of India - yoga, ayurveda, spirituality, food - and has given us in return BPOs, pubs and fast food and stress. Naturally, if you party like that every night and still have to look fit so that you look good into all those western clothes, boy, do you need to worry!
What we need, on Womens Day and all other days, is freedom of the mind. To be what you are. There are photographers, artists and pilots following their heart's dream even if society seeks to set rules about what women must or must not do.
and this comes from Ratna Rao Shekar - Editor WOW magazine
and yes I typed the whole post myself, not a copy paste phew!! but then I really found the article worth being mentioned on this blog :)
Though I don't complete agree and I think there must be some dress code to maintain the pub standards, but then I'm sure a strict no-no to something is always bad and infact brings down the reputation.
Hyderabad is changing and so is India ... sometimes for good and sometimes for worse. One has to live with it and adapt to change.
I was taken aback when one of our writers told me that her aunt was not allowed into a nightclub a few weeks ago because she was wearing a salwar-kurta. She was told that on an events night such as the one on that Wednesday, salwar was a strict no-no, that the aunt and others with her were finally allowed in after saying she was a journalist.
If in earlier days it was British imperialism that did not allow you to enter a sahibs club without a suit and boot(you still can't as a matter of fact), these days it is the American hegemony. We not only go to the pubs and malls like the Americans, but have dress rules like them too. Remember we are still in India which has strong traditions of dress and culture that cannot be ignored despite our predilections for coke and burgers. What could be a nightclub's objection to the sari or salwar? Whats is the point we are trying to make with such rules - that people who wear saris and salwars are mummyji types who cannot enter pubs? Or that there is no place for older women who cannot think of dressing in any other way?
Fashion designer Sabyasachi seems to have similar views. I quote from the interview: "I think a woman covered, showing just an inch of her ankle is more sensual that a woman who blatantly exposes because she doesn't leave anything to the imagination".
Indeed as Sharmila who brought yogasanas and pranayama back into our life says, the west has taken the best out of India - yoga, ayurveda, spirituality, food - and has given us in return BPOs, pubs and fast food and stress. Naturally, if you party like that every night and still have to look fit so that you look good into all those western clothes, boy, do you need to worry!
What we need, on Womens Day and all other days, is freedom of the mind. To be what you are. There are photographers, artists and pilots following their heart's dream even if society seeks to set rules about what women must or must not do.
and this comes from Ratna Rao Shekar - Editor WOW magazine
and yes I typed the whole post myself, not a copy paste phew!! but then I really found the article worth being mentioned on this blog :)
Though I don't complete agree and I think there must be some dress code to maintain the pub standards, but then I'm sure a strict no-no to something is always bad and infact brings down the reputation.
Hyderabad is changing and so is India ... sometimes for good and sometimes for worse. One has to live with it and adapt to change.
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Getting screwed while staying single !!
No, this post contains no erotic content nor is it philosophical. Just another entry hehe ....
So here is the thing about staying single, apart from the 100s and 1000s of good things that could happen to you, one sad entry in your diary will be the boring saturday evenings when most of the happening places don't allow stag entry and all or most of the friends are with their potential partners, and this boredom gets escalated when there are no good movies left in town nor in your harddisk .... so that is how your life gets screwed while staying single :D
but but but ... the greatness of an individual lies not only in staying single but making the best use of it, so after spending the whole morning sleeping and whole afternoon watching tv I decide to bring my old harddisk back to life which I have been postponing since almost 1year, so here I'm with all the collections from college days and all the good old pics with my friends & some chat friends too (well those were days of yahoo chat)
Now I have the whole collection of Calvin & Hobbes back, few softwares, some videos and lots and lots and lots of rare old songs ... chalo apart from going to office and coming back and watching tv I have something do explore for a few days now :)
few other updates from my side would be ... hmmmm ....
1. another and probably last of my school friends left to us
2. a friend from inter left to mumbai
3. a friend got married (yes guy and love marriage)
4. another friend is ready to elope (story AFTER it happens :) )
5. a friend coming back to hyd after 7yrs to do her mba from icfai
6. a senior from school getting married (just got an invitation over mail)
7. got in touch with 2old chat buddies ... thanks to my hdd which had their numbers :)
PS1: (heard from someone) 10,000BC isn't worth the wait :( yet another hyped movie which couldn't live up to the expectations
PS2: (someone enlighten me plzzz) how do ppl find topics to blog on !!! phew I still got to learn a lot :)
So here is the thing about staying single, apart from the 100s and 1000s of good things that could happen to you, one sad entry in your diary will be the boring saturday evenings when most of the happening places don't allow stag entry and all or most of the friends are with their potential partners, and this boredom gets escalated when there are no good movies left in town nor in your harddisk .... so that is how your life gets screwed while staying single :D
but but but ... the greatness of an individual lies not only in staying single but making the best use of it, so after spending the whole morning sleeping and whole afternoon watching tv I decide to bring my old harddisk back to life which I have been postponing since almost 1year, so here I'm with all the collections from college days and all the good old pics with my friends & some chat friends too (well those were days of yahoo chat)
Now I have the whole collection of Calvin & Hobbes back, few softwares, some videos and lots and lots and lots of rare old songs ... chalo apart from going to office and coming back and watching tv I have something do explore for a few days now :)
few other updates from my side would be ... hmmmm ....
1. another and probably last of my school friends left to us
2. a friend from inter left to mumbai
3. a friend got married (yes guy and love marriage)
4. another friend is ready to elope (story AFTER it happens :) )
5. a friend coming back to hyd after 7yrs to do her mba from icfai
6. a senior from school getting married (just got an invitation over mail)
7. got in touch with 2old chat buddies ... thanks to my hdd which had their numbers :)
PS1: (heard from someone) 10,000BC isn't worth the wait :( yet another hyped movie which couldn't live up to the expectations
PS2: (someone enlighten me plzzz) how do ppl find topics to blog on !!! phew I still got to learn a lot :)
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
A one night stand
This happened to one of my friends few weeks back [names cannot be taken] ... lets call him T
Quite melodramatic ....
Around 10:30PM Thursday night, T is on his way back home from office, it got a little late today but then he's just a bachelor (with a gf but irrelevant here) so he wouldn't mind staying back once in a while if it meant being noticed by his boss (who also happens to be a lady, but again irrelevant :D). He is on his bike, with his ipod and singing away to glory and in a nice mood that things are going good at work and he's a high contender for the promotion due next month.
As he nears a bus stop, he sees a beautiful (so was I told ;) ) girl sobbing and being the gentleman and movie buff that he is, his heart overpowers his shyness & approaches the girl;
T: {ahem} {aaaaa....} {mm..} excuse me, I couldnt help but notice that something is wrong, {mmm...} may I help you?
[The girl raises her head and for the 1st time he sees her face completely and she looked more beautiful than she did in the brightness of the street light]
She: {sobs}{sobs} thank you!! well some ******* stole my purse and even my mobile is inside it, I'm not able to reach my roommates and there is no cab in the past 20mins. {sobs} ..I'm having the worst day of my life :(
T: hmm ... [ask you idiot ask, this is your chance] ..{aaaa...} If you don't mind, I could drop you
She: [now stopped crying and has a small smile on her face which weakened his heart all the more] .. well thank you, but I can't trouble you soo much, if you don't mind let me make a call to my roommate from your mobile
T: [tsch losing a gr8 opportunity to drop her, why God why :( ] sure no problem, here [hands over his mobile to her] {well atleast I'll get her roommate's number ;) .. maybe things will turn out lucky for me afterall }
[sees that she is not talking on the phone and is looking worried] ... is everything ok???
She:{now in a frustrated but sweet voice} roommate is not picking up the call :( I think my bad day is not over yet :((
T: well I could still drop you, and I have absolutely no problem doing that. {praying to god now}
She: .... but .......
T: I insist, please let me
She: Ok fine, btw my name is X and I live in ABC colony
T: and I'm T, I stay in xyz colony [yay, yay, yay]
[she's now on his bike and her right hand on his shoulder, he's all geared up, the night is still young and hopes that some magic does happen]
T: {ahem} {ahem} ... I'm not sure if I know the place, you'll have to guide me
[starts the bike and prays to god for a small push]
She: sure, no problem and thank you once again
T: its my pleasure ...
after 10mins of journey, she directing T to her place and both of them talking about movies and stuff and having a nice ride ... she asks him to take a left turn into a dark road with no street lights, ... T having a great time and a nice ride was all carried away ... half way through the road something stuck him on his head from front and the next thing he knows it's 3AM, his head is paining like hell, he could even feel the blood on his forehead... there is no girl around him and neither is his mobile nor his bike nor his purse nor his gold ring nor his ipod....... quite simple she had some accomplice waiting for her and all she had to do is lure him into that street ...
next day there was a huge hullabaloo, police complaints, hospital, his parents happy that the head injury wasn't fatal, followed by a huge fight with his gf (this was a funny part worth watching according to my frnds who were there :D) .... finally no trace of the bike nor the girl yet!! (this happened somewhere in mid february btw) ..
Soo ..... wouldn't you call her beauty with brains :-> .. I definitely would :)
When I see those movies, I always wondered how people could be fooled soo easily and how dumb they behave, but all it took was one incident to someone close to realise that afterall mean are dogs & girls can take advantage of that quite easily, can't they! ;)
Quite melodramatic ....
Around 10:30PM Thursday night, T is on his way back home from office, it got a little late today but then he's just a bachelor (with a gf but irrelevant here) so he wouldn't mind staying back once in a while if it meant being noticed by his boss (who also happens to be a lady, but again irrelevant :D). He is on his bike, with his ipod and singing away to glory and in a nice mood that things are going good at work and he's a high contender for the promotion due next month.
As he nears a bus stop, he sees a beautiful (so was I told ;) ) girl sobbing and being the gentleman and movie buff that he is, his heart overpowers his shyness & approaches the girl;
T: {ahem} {aaaaa....} {mm..} excuse me, I couldnt help but notice that something is wrong, {mmm...} may I help you?
[The girl raises her head and for the 1st time he sees her face completely and she looked more beautiful than she did in the brightness of the street light]
She: {sobs}{sobs} thank you!! well some ******* stole my purse and even my mobile is inside it, I'm not able to reach my roommates and there is no cab in the past 20mins. {sobs} ..I'm having the worst day of my life :(
T: hmm ... [ask you idiot ask, this is your chance] ..{aaaa...} If you don't mind, I could drop you
She: [now stopped crying and has a small smile on her face which weakened his heart all the more] .. well thank you, but I can't trouble you soo much, if you don't mind let me make a call to my roommate from your mobile
T: [tsch losing a gr8 opportunity to drop her, why God why :( ] sure no problem, here [hands over his mobile to her] {well atleast I'll get her roommate's number ;) .. maybe things will turn out lucky for me afterall }
[sees that she is not talking on the phone and is looking worried] ... is everything ok???
She:{now in a frustrated but sweet voice} roommate is not picking up the call :( I think my bad day is not over yet :((
T: well I could still drop you, and I have absolutely no problem doing that. {praying to god now}
She: .... but .......
T: I insist, please let me
She: Ok fine, btw my name is X and I live in ABC colony
T: and I'm T, I stay in xyz colony [yay, yay, yay]
[she's now on his bike and her right hand on his shoulder, he's all geared up, the night is still young and hopes that some magic does happen]
T: {ahem} {ahem} ... I'm not sure if I know the place, you'll have to guide me
[starts the bike and prays to god for a small push]
She: sure, no problem and thank you once again
T: its my pleasure ...
after 10mins of journey, she directing T to her place and both of them talking about movies and stuff and having a nice ride ... she asks him to take a left turn into a dark road with no street lights, ... T having a great time and a nice ride was all carried away ... half way through the road something stuck him on his head from front and the next thing he knows it's 3AM, his head is paining like hell, he could even feel the blood on his forehead... there is no girl around him and neither is his mobile nor his bike nor his purse nor his gold ring nor his ipod....... quite simple she had some accomplice waiting for her and all she had to do is lure him into that street ...
next day there was a huge hullabaloo, police complaints, hospital, his parents happy that the head injury wasn't fatal, followed by a huge fight with his gf (this was a funny part worth watching according to my frnds who were there :D) .... finally no trace of the bike nor the girl yet!! (this happened somewhere in mid february btw) ..
Soo ..... wouldn't you call her beauty with brains :-> .. I definitely would :)
When I see those movies, I always wondered how people could be fooled soo easily and how dumb they behave, but all it took was one incident to someone close to realise that afterall mean are dogs & girls can take advantage of that quite easily, can't they! ;)
crazy fun
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Future weapons
No, its not another kudos of NGC future weapons show (for those of you who never heard of it, you are going into the future feeling safe unlike the rest of us), nonetheless, the show has some incredible stuff on it. Almost none of the weapons use bullets or explosive stuff, most to all of them use basic forms of energy like sound, impulse, high energy beams and ... phew,
so all of a sudden this idea stuck to me, why don't these scientists come up with the depressant beam, you know the one you saw in the climax of Hitchhiker's Guide which makes people chronically depressed. That way you don't kill the person and no fuss from all the human rights organizations and ..and .. and you get to destroy the persons urge to repeat the mistake, infact desire to do anything in life. Isn't that wonderful !!
PS1: started writing with something in mind 4hrs back watching tv, and now neither do I rmbr why I started this post, nor feel like deleting it...so I guess I'll publish it
PS2: Yet another weekend came and went by
PS3: Yes I'm not fired last week like everyone was expecting, still in DELL and I guess its going to be that way for quite sometime now.
PS4: Hectic week coming up
PS5: It's March and I have MANY crazy things to do this month, keep watching.
so all of a sudden this idea stuck to me, why don't these scientists come up with the depressant beam, you know the one you saw in the climax of Hitchhiker's Guide which makes people chronically depressed. That way you don't kill the person and no fuss from all the human rights organizations and ..and .. and you get to destroy the persons urge to repeat the mistake, infact desire to do anything in life. Isn't that wonderful !!
PS1: started writing with something in mind 4hrs back watching tv, and now neither do I rmbr why I started this post, nor feel like deleting it...so I guess I'll publish it
PS2: Yet another weekend came and went by
PS3: Yes I'm not fired last week like everyone was expecting, still in DELL and I guess its going to be that way for quite sometime now.
PS4: Hectic week coming up
PS5: It's March and I have MANY crazy things to do this month, keep watching.
Science and stuff
Piece of advice
The best thing to do is to enjoy every minute you have, so you don't have any regrets when it's your time to move on to the next great adventure
- Dumbledore
- Dumbledore
Saturday, March 1, 2008
I AM ... ?
You see but never talk with me,
you touch but can't feel me,
you run I follow,
you fall I'm there beneath you,
you cry I'm there listening,
you laugh I'm there smiling,
You ignore me but I'm always around you,
You are my strength, I'm your weakness,
I know every secret of yours, I have been with you all your life and will be here with you forever and ever ...
I'm your SHADOW
PS: direct result of getting bored and not feeling sleepy, time: 0500hrs day: saturday (friday night)
you touch but can't feel me,
you run I follow,
you fall I'm there beneath you,
you cry I'm there listening,
you laugh I'm there smiling,
You ignore me but I'm always around you,
You are my strength, I'm your weakness,
I know every secret of yours, I have been with you all your life and will be here with you forever and ever ...
I'm your SHADOW
PS: direct result of getting bored and not feeling sleepy, time: 0500hrs day: saturday (friday night)
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Rich or Royal ??
Well ask anyone and they would say they want to be both rich and powerful, but in practical this is not possible always is it ?? You have to lose control if you want higher pay or profit, you have to forgo higher profit if you want all the control, so what is it that you want ???
This is a fundamental dilemma not only within entrepreneurs but one that kills many innovators and even salaried employees. The conflict between selling their ideas or patented products for royalties and starting their firms. As quoted by Noam Wasserman, a professor from HBS, " The profit motive is one of the major motivations for becoming an entrepreneur, and the one on which past entrepreneurial research has focused, going all the way back to Adam Smith, Joseph Schumpeter, Israel Kirzner, and other pillars of economics." However this is not entirely true is it?? Only later in his research did Wasserman also find the truth about the conflict between rich and royal. People do crazy things to have control over the firm, some wise decisions, some harsh, some motivating, some risky.
Having control over the firm has many disadvantages attached to it sometimes which are out of the blue. While the main hurdle would be finding angel investors who trust the vision of the entrepreneur, the others are limited resources and network. The most common problem is the direct impact of the decisions taken for the growth of the firm on the entrepreneurs pocket. He could remain royal or the king of the firm but as mentioned somewhere entrepreneurs as a whole do not make more than they could make if they were employed by others, and make significantly less than expected from a risk-return perspective.
Ofcourse such a firm would do miracles if the entrepreneur is a great visionary and could access the future market correctly. He could not only make huge personal profits but could expand the company quite faster than his peer where every decision has to be approved by majority of the equity holders who may or maynot share the same vision.
So now back to the fundamental question what is a better option?? Rich or Royal ?
Should a salaried employee consider a high paying firm or one with job satisfaction, should an innovator sell his product for royalties or start a firm of his own, should an entrepreneur continue having complete control over the company or selling control to investors ??
These questions have no correct answer because there is no wrong answer. The correct decision depends on personal vision and management of available resources vs risks involved.
Similar question arises with equity vs debt, which no one can answer. Right decision is not one taken based on current situation but one based on the future. The one which keeps the firm going strong no matter what.
Please note: I'm not a sexist, infact most of the time I'm pro-women, its just easier to write 'he' instead of 'he/she' whenever a pronoun is used for an entrepreneur :)
This is a fundamental dilemma not only within entrepreneurs but one that kills many innovators and even salaried employees. The conflict between selling their ideas or patented products for royalties and starting their firms. As quoted by Noam Wasserman, a professor from HBS, " The profit motive is one of the major motivations for becoming an entrepreneur, and the one on which past entrepreneurial research has focused, going all the way back to Adam Smith, Joseph Schumpeter, Israel Kirzner, and other pillars of economics." However this is not entirely true is it?? Only later in his research did Wasserman also find the truth about the conflict between rich and royal. People do crazy things to have control over the firm, some wise decisions, some harsh, some motivating, some risky.
Having control over the firm has many disadvantages attached to it sometimes which are out of the blue. While the main hurdle would be finding angel investors who trust the vision of the entrepreneur, the others are limited resources and network. The most common problem is the direct impact of the decisions taken for the growth of the firm on the entrepreneurs pocket. He could remain royal or the king of the firm but as mentioned somewhere entrepreneurs as a whole do not make more than they could make if they were employed by others, and make significantly less than expected from a risk-return perspective.
Ofcourse such a firm would do miracles if the entrepreneur is a great visionary and could access the future market correctly. He could not only make huge personal profits but could expand the company quite faster than his peer where every decision has to be approved by majority of the equity holders who may or maynot share the same vision.
So now back to the fundamental question what is a better option?? Rich or Royal ?
Should a salaried employee consider a high paying firm or one with job satisfaction, should an innovator sell his product for royalties or start a firm of his own, should an entrepreneur continue having complete control over the company or selling control to investors ??
These questions have no correct answer because there is no wrong answer. The correct decision depends on personal vision and management of available resources vs risks involved.
Similar question arises with equity vs debt, which no one can answer. Right decision is not one taken based on current situation but one based on the future. The one which keeps the firm going strong no matter what.
Please note: I'm not a sexist, infact most of the time I'm pro-women, its just easier to write 'he' instead of 'he/she' whenever a pronoun is used for an entrepreneur :)
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Worth a mention !!
"The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries" -- Churchill
Friday, February 22, 2008
"I didn't sign up for this !!! :-s "
Everyone faces this feeling at some point of time wrt everything in life, be in while in a relationship, in a job, after marriage, maybe in friendship also, when you moved into a new house recently, when you start learning something new, during your education ...every instance of life;
This is the first step and first sign of yet another compromise in life, huh!! life which is full of compromises ....
Now you must be asking, where this idiot is heading with such a pathetic start :) well saw Jodha Akbar yesterday, a 3 and 1/2 hr movie. A movie worth watching and definitely very good compared to the recent movies, and Rehman music was simply awesome yet again !!! I guess he made the maximum use of drums :) but the fight scenes could have been better, especially after seeing movies like 300 and Troy in English, the fights did disappoint me a little bit, but as I was mentioning life is full of compromises, Indian audience might not be ready for such a bloodshed considering the fact that the target audience is simply everyone. My overall rating would be around 3.5/5 and a worth watching movie.
Now I have a question, what would you do if you were the emperor of India ?? Forget about regular stupid answers like remove corruption and poverty and hunger and all, make it something innovative, something which people could only dream about, something appealing, would it be building Taj Mahal for your loved one ?? or a pyramid for yourself ? ...would it be building a whole city like Hyderabad or raise buildings like the Emirates Palace and host the worlds costliest horse race ??!!
would it be having all the greatest composers of the time in you palace or having a scripture written on you ;) !! ?? What would it be ??? what would you do for yourself if you are given all the power in the world to leave an everlasting mark behind you !!!
Remember that all great people are remembered only when they left something materialistic behind them to the world, many might differ, some might even go to the extent of mocking my judgement but it remains to be the truth. People remember Ashoka only as the king who planted trees along the roads but not for the peace he tried to restore in India, people remember xyz for Taj or Pyramids or ... blah blah but not for the immense wise decisions they made, how many King Solomon's do people remember ???
Gods greatest gift to humanity is forgetfulness, and it is also his greatest curse. Selective memory is a great gift if you have the control over what to remember :) .... People tend to forget the good done to them or the help they received, but develop hatred easily. Being an agnostic it might be strange to come from me, but if there is someone called God he could think of a secondary memory disk attached to our hearts ;)
Maybe the main memory can have an archive of the sad memories as a backup and the secondary disk in our hearts will have all the happy moments ... sounds nice right ;)
So so so ... to all the jobless patient people still reading this post and feeling "I didn't sign up for all this !!! :-s ", welcome to Saaketh's world of arbitrariness. You'll see many many more of these coming in future, so be prepared :)
Oh & yah, this one friend of mine lets call her D is coming back from US after a 1month trip and she is supposed to bring me lots and lots of chocolates, and a champagne bottle and then more chocolates :) and I think I have some nice occasions to celebrate in the next 2weeks, so lets see.
Having said all this nonsense I ask you to wait for the next post and I promise to make it interesting than this one !! :)
This is the first step and first sign of yet another compromise in life, huh!! life which is full of compromises ....
Now you must be asking, where this idiot is heading with such a pathetic start :) well saw Jodha Akbar yesterday, a 3 and 1/2 hr movie. A movie worth watching and definitely very good compared to the recent movies, and Rehman music was simply awesome yet again !!! I guess he made the maximum use of drums :) but the fight scenes could have been better, especially after seeing movies like 300 and Troy in English, the fights did disappoint me a little bit, but as I was mentioning life is full of compromises, Indian audience might not be ready for such a bloodshed considering the fact that the target audience is simply everyone. My overall rating would be around 3.5/5 and a worth watching movie.
Now I have a question, what would you do if you were the emperor of India ?? Forget about regular stupid answers like remove corruption and poverty and hunger and all, make it something innovative, something which people could only dream about, something appealing, would it be building Taj Mahal for your loved one ?? or a pyramid for yourself ? ...would it be building a whole city like Hyderabad or raise buildings like the Emirates Palace and host the worlds costliest horse race ??!!
would it be having all the greatest composers of the time in you palace or having a scripture written on you ;) !! ?? What would it be ??? what would you do for yourself if you are given all the power in the world to leave an everlasting mark behind you !!!
Remember that all great people are remembered only when they left something materialistic behind them to the world, many might differ, some might even go to the extent of mocking my judgement but it remains to be the truth. People remember Ashoka only as the king who planted trees along the roads but not for the peace he tried to restore in India, people remember xyz for Taj or Pyramids or ... blah blah but not for the immense wise decisions they made, how many King Solomon's do people remember ???
Gods greatest gift to humanity is forgetfulness, and it is also his greatest curse. Selective memory is a great gift if you have the control over what to remember :) .... People tend to forget the good done to them or the help they received, but develop hatred easily. Being an agnostic it might be strange to come from me, but if there is someone called God he could think of a secondary memory disk attached to our hearts ;)
Maybe the main memory can have an archive of the sad memories as a backup and the secondary disk in our hearts will have all the happy moments ... sounds nice right ;)
So so so ... to all the jobless patient people still reading this post and feeling "I didn't sign up for all this !!! :-s ", welcome to Saaketh's world of arbitrariness. You'll see many many more of these coming in future, so be prepared :)
Oh & yah, this one friend of mine lets call her D is coming back from US after a 1month trip and she is supposed to bring me lots and lots of chocolates, and a champagne bottle and then more chocolates :) and I think I have some nice occasions to celebrate in the next 2weeks, so lets see.
British Queen apologises to six-year-old girl
Do you think something like this could ever happen in India?? well actually I think India would very soon see one such day with the ever increasing percentage of well educated politicians in parliament. Forget about the political strength, but compare Mr. Manmohan 1v1 with any of his peers around the world, compare Kalam with his peers, it does make you proud in the end doesn't it :)
And I would say these are only the first of the many politicians to come in future who would infact be bold and strong enough to make even better decisions.
Do you think something like this could ever happen in India?? well actually I think India would very soon see one such day with the ever increasing percentage of well educated politicians in parliament. Forget about the political strength, but compare Mr. Manmohan 1v1 with any of his peers around the world, compare Kalam with his peers, it does make you proud in the end doesn't it :)
And I would say these are only the first of the many politicians to come in future who would infact be bold and strong enough to make even better decisions.
Having said all this nonsense I ask you to wait for the next post and I promise to make it interesting than this one !! :)
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Castro Resigns :( !!!
NOTE: The following views are my personal and have nothing to do as an Indian !! :)
Well you always have the enthusiasm to post more than 1 on the 1st day, dont you :)
Soo .... Fidel Castro resigns, one of the greatest and living legends of our time and a great leader ends his tenure. People might differ his ways, human rights activists might squeal but the fact remains that he is one of the longest serving leaders in the world and is now stepping down voluntarily owing to his health @ the age of 81.
" At age 32, Castro led a band of guerrillas who overthrew a corrupt dictatorship in 1959. He went on to become a thorn in Washington's side by embracing communism and cozying up to the Soviet Union. " writes CNN
Despite all the rallies by his critics on his counter revolutionary activities, there are no streets in Cuba named after Castro, and no statues or peso bills bearing his image and compare that with India where every street is named after a leader and the name of the airport keeps changing with a change in the political party, isn't dictatorship beautiful in the hands of the right person.
Castro has maintained power largely through popular appeals to the Cuban people an ideal leadership quality I would say. Did you know that there were 638 attempts by the CIA on Castro's life, ... SIX HUNDRED AND THIRTY EIGHT !!!! and he retires with dignity. As Castro says, if surviving assassination attempts were an Olympic event, he would win the gold medal :).
I guess telugu directors and stroy writers could get inspired by his stories, for the starters there was a mafia types shooting, a diving suit which was fungal infected, an exploding cigar, exploding clams for heavens sake, his lover joining hands with CIA to kill him with a poisonous cold cream and Castro giving her a gun and asking her to shoot him but she could'nt, and finally there was the same old slow poison which also failed.
His speeches remain the most inspiring and he transformed his country into the first communist state in the Western Hemisphere. People think money can do or buy anything/anyone but US, economically one of the most advanced countries could neither buy him nor could kill him. Now THAT is what I call power, thanks to the loyal aura he built around him.
Cuba might see democracy after Castro, or it might continue under the leadership of his brother or cousins or children, but one of the greatest leaderships the world has seen is coming to an end, and the Cuba will definitely miss the inspiration his speeches gave/give in all tough times.
International Affairs,
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
I'm just very selective about the reality I accept ;)
Lo and Behold !!!
Saaketh Enters the digital age FINALLY !!!!!!!
Yes, though I'm a software engineer I have never been tech-savvy nor had the enthuse to keep up with the rest of the world on technical advancements (I still use Nokia 1100 and I have NO plans of changing it :D, it just has no match), but I guess it's high time I change that and here I am leaving my first foot-steps in the digital world :)
Well I'm not sure for how long I'd continue but then a thousand miles journey starts with one step, and here I'm aint I :)
I'll try my best to keep the blog away from sentimental/emotional and personal posts, and will do my best in avoiding 'chat lingo' but then can't promise you fellas :D
Note: You'll mostly find controversial and most of the time arbit topics, all views expressed on this blog are to be considered completely my personal and if you find a post seriously erroneous feel free to drop a mail.
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