Sunday, December 21, 2008

what makes me any different ?? !!!

Only those who keep asking this question to themselves AND thrive to find an answer will be able to leave a mark behind (according to me). The saddest summary of life contains three descriptions : could have, might have and should have. I'm not sure who said this, but I truly believe in it. Like any other, my life too has had its ups and downs but the fact that I don't give up has made me the person that I am now, and I happily take pride in it.

Leading a life with your own set of rules isn't very easy, and its more difficult when those rules are not set to impress anyone else but to keep impressing oneself. If you are also ambitious that is a very very tough combination where you don't just have to answer yourself the question of "what makes me any different" but have to let others think that you are different too.

There are always people who laugh at you, who mock you, who try to belittle you and in turn disgrace you, and this is the time when usually we give up. I did so once few years back, but that was the 1st and the last time I let anyone do that to me. I learnt that being accepted is important for an ambitious person, and to be accepted you need not worry about convincing others that you are different and best but have to accept yourself AND others too. As Dr.Taub says "I have known a few people who had dreams, one thing they all had in common was they all got laughed at and they didn't care."

You should make sure that you have the attitude in you to not let others downsize you, not let others demotivate you, not let others tell you what you can or can't do, not let others cloud your creativity. And the most important thing to do is know and accept your weaknesses and you are automatically shielded from the rest of the world.

Sometimes i'm wrong,i have a gift for observation, for reading people and situations but sometimes i'm wrong ... and I accept that. I might not be wrong in seeing the emotions, but I might be wrong in guessing the reactions to be followed. So always remember, "when u catch them by the balls, their hearts & brains follow " and that is how you make sure things work.

{This is the most random and disorganized post, don't bother asking me how any two paragraphs are related}

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