Monday, July 19, 2010

Structuring the company

Recently I have hit a road block, a major one. I can't find business executives !! Now that IT jobs are back, people seem to prefer a job in the call center than of a business executive in a startup (thought the perks through commission are much much higher !! ). This is where I realized, I was doing a grave mistake. With the initial few clients coming from word of mouth publicity, I haven't really given full attention to structuring the company based on the clients.

As a services startup in power industry, potentially everyone is a client. Anyone who needs electricity for next 25yrs is a client. But whom do I want to concentrate on? Should I try to tap the consumer market directly or start with the bigger clients? The ironic situation would be that the bigger clients who could afford solar solutions might not prefer a startup,and the individual consumer who would cannot afford.

With this problem in mind, I set out to structure the company. To decide on the divisions and market I'll be overseeing and those I'll delegate. To choose the regions served in 1st stage and when the planned branches should start. What would be the guidelines for targets assigned to the executives working part time and those for full time.

brb with answers :-)


AS... said...

so, did you find the answers?

Saaketh said...

I did !! Infact things are good.

My blog, its been soooooo long I even visited the site. There are a dozen posts due !!

Saaketh said...

@AS : not sure how you came across my blog, but you now played a major role in reviving it ;) It says thank you !!

AS... said...

came across your start-up, found it interesting and did a bit of google search and stumbled across your blog.

Saaketh said...

super lady .. I just started in May, been quite a few changes ...latest being taking an office space ;)
will keep you posted :)

The never ending post