Sunday, December 27, 2009


This is my 1st post from the new 10" 1.1Kg Asus Eee netbook :), its soo small n cute that I'm afraid it might crush! I bought it as I had to return the old laptop to my prev company. I needed this for my presentations n etc while I try to start a new firm of my own. On that note, I haven't told anyone but things are not going really well :( I hope I don't get discouraged, afterall patience and persistence are the most important characteristics for any new startup. My potential partner who was supposed to be the face of the company seems to not be interested anymore, he hasn't mentioned anything but I get the signs. I now have to live without him, not that my plans would change without him, but the finances would take a hitback. Good that I had my plans both with and without him :)

Its been 6months since my surgery, pumped air into my cycle again, plan to start from tomorrow morning. I should start skipping and jogging too, one at a time, dont want to put too much strain on that leg.

What's with people and twitter?? I understand a medium to vent/shout their inner thoughts without any filters, but is it worth the hype ? I guess no point tryingt understand the mob mentality and better put it to the best use.

I planned to write a paper, never happened. I think that will be this year's resolve, to finish the paper I started 1yr back :D No hopes of getting it published, but will send for sure, and if I like the draft will publish as a blog, good conversation starter huh!? :)

I was supposed to finish 100posts by 31st, but this is just the 74th. Atleast I made it that far, didn't expect to hehe.


The Gypsy said...

About Twitter..
Twitter is one of the biggest microblogging sites giving every corporate company a chance to reach out to the ppl.

All the major companies have a twitter blog. They post about every goddam product release, every news article, every business rating.. why? This is the new way of branding/marketing

Twitter is hyped up.. Hell yeah!.. who wants to know where you took your dog for a walk!
But Twitter's objective is to cash in on companies and celebrites by giving them a chance to reachout/tweet/retweet/fight/cry/bond etc!..

lol!.. sorry this comment is turning out into a post

The Gypsy said...

sorry for the lecture!...

Saaketh said...

you better stop apologizing'll soon begin to start conv with a 'sorry' :P

mythalez said...

err .. wat paper r we talking abt ?? :P

Saaketh said...

@mythalez: not really a research paper, more of a gyaan paper hehe ... on knowledge, culture and change in organisations

The never ending post