Sunday, December 21, 2008

My dad ...

I'm usually reluctant to post anything personal other than views, but I guess I'll make an exception today. This might sound like a 6th class essay on my dad, so put on some entertaining music while you read this :P.

We come from a middle class background, my grandfather raised 5kids with absolutely 0 bucks to start with, and left around 10lakhs per head while he departed. My dad couldn't do his masters(n become a doc) due to financial reasons and neither was interested in family business and so fought with his parents, came out of home with the pledge that he'll get back only after getting a job, stayed with his friends for 2-3months, gave bank test and got into SBI, and has served SBI for the last 25yrs. Now I guess you guys understand the roots to my rebellious nature :D

My parents marriage was also in very similar lines. My dad saw my mom one day when he was going on a walk along with his elder sister, after a few days he went along with the same sis to see my mom at her place (without telling his parents :D), luckily there were no cultural differences and so everything went smooth and they were married in a few months on August 15th (poor dad he lost his independence on Aug 15th). And that is love at first sight, now I guess you guys understand the roots of my boldness :D

I could give many more such examples, incidents where he made huge sacrifices for us, incidents where he changed for us, incidents where he fought for us ... it is said that my dad used to drive at 110kmph on bajaj !! He could smoke rings into the air. When there was some family dispute over my g.parents property, he gave it away without any fight saying "I have my son" !! He gave up smoking when I was in 6. He goes for a walk daily in the morning for the last 25 years and hasn't taken ONE sick leave till date. NOT EVEN ONE SICK LEAVE !!!!! He is apparently the only person who is accepted by folks from all religions and castes in employees union, and he raised us in a similar environment where people are respected based on their nature and not religious stature or gender. Do you believe that I didn't know which caste I belonged to till I had to put it in my 10th application :) People used to laugh, but my family used to take pride in that. (He gave the same independence in marriage also).

He always taught us to speak without fear, to think beyond limits and to love without expecting anything in return. He was and is always there to encourage us, support us yet always making sure we grow to be free thinkers.

Love you dad, your ever smiling composure even during the worse times is what made me what I'm today.

{Its ok to be emotional once in a while :D and this is one such post}

what makes me any different ?? !!!

Only those who keep asking this question to themselves AND thrive to find an answer will be able to leave a mark behind (according to me). The saddest summary of life contains three descriptions : could have, might have and should have. I'm not sure who said this, but I truly believe in it. Like any other, my life too has had its ups and downs but the fact that I don't give up has made me the person that I am now, and I happily take pride in it.

Leading a life with your own set of rules isn't very easy, and its more difficult when those rules are not set to impress anyone else but to keep impressing oneself. If you are also ambitious that is a very very tough combination where you don't just have to answer yourself the question of "what makes me any different" but have to let others think that you are different too.

There are always people who laugh at you, who mock you, who try to belittle you and in turn disgrace you, and this is the time when usually we give up. I did so once few years back, but that was the 1st and the last time I let anyone do that to me. I learnt that being accepted is important for an ambitious person, and to be accepted you need not worry about convincing others that you are different and best but have to accept yourself AND others too. As Dr.Taub says "I have known a few people who had dreams, one thing they all had in common was they all got laughed at and they didn't care."

You should make sure that you have the attitude in you to not let others downsize you, not let others demotivate you, not let others tell you what you can or can't do, not let others cloud your creativity. And the most important thing to do is know and accept your weaknesses and you are automatically shielded from the rest of the world.

Sometimes i'm wrong,i have a gift for observation, for reading people and situations but sometimes i'm wrong ... and I accept that. I might not be wrong in seeing the emotions, but I might be wrong in guessing the reactions to be followed. So always remember, "when u catch them by the balls, their hearts & brains follow " and that is how you make sure things work.

{This is the most random and disorganized post, don't bother asking me how any two paragraphs are related}

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Dream vs Reality

One of my classmates from college wrote an article on "Prince Charming" Vs "Dream Girl" and claims girls evolved to be much better capitalists than guys :)

Maybe maybe not, but being a feminist that I'm, for the 1st time I went ahead and commented on his blog(I usually avoid commenting on others blogs unless I'm really tempted to do so like this post :) ). But what really surprised me isn't the fact that he wrote this post(considering the few happenings in his life that I know of, such a post isn't much of a shock), but the fact that none of the guys opposed the theory, in fact everyone EVERYONE went ahead and supported the theory !!!

Now I'm surprised!! The only logical explanation I could come up with is that all these guys are from 'elite' institutes where girls/guys ratio is less :) and thus the 'frustration'. How else would/could someone explain a bunch of 'well-educated' guys gang up and bash all the girls in the world ?? more so when all/most of these guys are not even married :D (hehe well I understand such a post after marriage, but ...). Don't tell me that girls are soo film-ish that they would slap you or throw a sandal at you if you ask them out (atleast I haven't met one such yet). Maybe as a part of ragging seniors should educate young folks on how to impress a girl :D or even better how NOT to get into their bad books.

Lets try and get some basic facts clear, its always survival of the fittest be it evolution or just emotion. You can't expect to look shabby, talk rubbish, not respect people and yet be liked by the other gender just because love is blind, that's sheer bullshit. "Love is blind" only works(or is supposed to) when you impress the other person not during impressing.All that the other person is looking for is company where he/she will feel happy and secure, if those basics aren't in the correct place you can't really expect the relationship to work.

Once you impress the person/fall in love, you got to get the next theory right- he/she isn't your 'property', you are not given 700 perms(how geeky!) on the person. Both guys/girls would want their space with their friends, both would want their partner to look/be the best in their circle, both would want to 'show off' that they have the best partner one could get, both would like to brag about their partner... its all the mushy kinds, and its also the time when things could go weirdly wrong, too many expectations and if one is not ready to be in a relationship one shouldn't jump into(I like this in the western style, you take your time to say 'I love you' and when you say, you are ready and really mean it, and you don't do so just coz your friends encouraged you to or just out of sheer peer pressure). Well, the point is, one has to have the list of expectations his/her partner would have, in mind before jumping into a relationship and then trying to act idealist by saying 'looks don't matter' or 'you are expecting too much' or 'you are suffocating me' blah blah.

As my dad once said, "Relations are never stained, It's the communication that is". That apparently is the mantra for a happy life and luckily I have always sticked to it(of course I'm still single, please avoid the cliche, as Jane Austen puts it love has many forms like moments of time).

I know, I know this ought to be the most bakwaas post till date but I couldn't resist the temptation and I had to blurt out, at least some of it. All guys who would want to bash me, feel free to ping me :P and if at all someone is reading this post and wants to give me an example of an extreme person who doesn't fit the logic, please realize that its the same with the other gender too. If there are a few girls who are real emotion wrecks there are guys who are real jerks, so lets not get into specific examples. But generalizing I would say guys and girls aren't really different deep within, both are looking for a nice company, a company which would bring a smile on their face whenever they think of him/her, a company their parents would feel proud of to have in their family, a company their friends would envy.... a company who would stay with them in thick and thin, who would see their sleepy weird face in the morning and not run away but kiss them good morning :)

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Something B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L

I know I'm supposed to write about a lot of things, but I found a BEAUTIFUL piece of write-up by a beautiful person ... I didn't acknowledge the person to not disturb the persons privacy, but I hope it's ok to copy in this internet world !!!


I am my own special creation
I take pride in my little world
and it’s not a place I have to hide in
I bang my own drum
some think its noise but I call it music
and so what if I love each sparkle and each bangle
I love seeing things from a different angle

No other has my mystique, so I take pride in it.
I’m intense, amorous, passionate,
and in equal measures, secretive.

They say my eye speaks,
love, dreams ,life's sparkle
is what is reflected in it…

One of my greatest assets is,
the ability to effect change,
if only by sheer will.

I have enough,
Warmth in me, to heal
Loneliness itself,
of its dire state...

I live in yesterday’s tomorrow,
n tomorrow’s yesterday..
I like to live life,
In my own special way!


I won't claim to be anywhere near to what this person is, but I'm sooooooooooooooooooooo in love with this person's attitude !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The never ending post