Sunday, December 21, 2008

My dad ...

I'm usually reluctant to post anything personal other than views, but I guess I'll make an exception today. This might sound like a 6th class essay on my dad, so put on some entertaining music while you read this :P.

We come from a middle class background, my grandfather raised 5kids with absolutely 0 bucks to start with, and left around 10lakhs per head while he departed. My dad couldn't do his masters(n become a doc) due to financial reasons and neither was interested in family business and so fought with his parents, came out of home with the pledge that he'll get back only after getting a job, stayed with his friends for 2-3months, gave bank test and got into SBI, and has served SBI for the last 25yrs. Now I guess you guys understand the roots to my rebellious nature :D

My parents marriage was also in very similar lines. My dad saw my mom one day when he was going on a walk along with his elder sister, after a few days he went along with the same sis to see my mom at her place (without telling his parents :D), luckily there were no cultural differences and so everything went smooth and they were married in a few months on August 15th (poor dad he lost his independence on Aug 15th). And that is love at first sight, now I guess you guys understand the roots of my boldness :D

I could give many more such examples, incidents where he made huge sacrifices for us, incidents where he changed for us, incidents where he fought for us ... it is said that my dad used to drive at 110kmph on bajaj !! He could smoke rings into the air. When there was some family dispute over my g.parents property, he gave it away without any fight saying "I have my son" !! He gave up smoking when I was in 6. He goes for a walk daily in the morning for the last 25 years and hasn't taken ONE sick leave till date. NOT EVEN ONE SICK LEAVE !!!!! He is apparently the only person who is accepted by folks from all religions and castes in employees union, and he raised us in a similar environment where people are respected based on their nature and not religious stature or gender. Do you believe that I didn't know which caste I belonged to till I had to put it in my 10th application :) People used to laugh, but my family used to take pride in that. (He gave the same independence in marriage also).

He always taught us to speak without fear, to think beyond limits and to love without expecting anything in return. He was and is always there to encourage us, support us yet always making sure we grow to be free thinkers.

Love you dad, your ever smiling composure even during the worse times is what made me what I'm today.

{Its ok to be emotional once in a while :D and this is one such post}

1 comment:

Bhanu said...

Loved this one. I personally think all of us have a 12 year old kid inside who does hero-worship to his/her parents :)

The never ending post