Thursday, April 3, 2008

Single or mingle !!??

It was a long day, not because I had lot of work (I did but work never exhausts me, surprisingly ..well actually nothing does, beats me why) but because of my presence during a list of relationships going haywire around me(none mine ofcourse, I'm still single & easy to mingle :D). Sad part of MY story is, all these sad endings I saw today had almost the same reason: "People wanting their partner to change"
My readers should correct me here if I'm wrong because I was never in an actual relationship(but for few short, no strings attached kinds), don't people in a relationship love the other person for what she/he is ?? Shouldn't that be the reason for love? If it is then why would you want the other person to change? I can understand if its some 10yrs down the line and both take each other for granted and feel they are the same heart & same soul and they actually saw the others lives completely & know if they need to change or not ... but early in a relationship ?!! even before marriage :O .. The question is WHY ?? Are people so desperate to be in a relationship that they are ready to give up what they are and what they believe in and what they want in their lives?? Are people so desperate to be in a relationship that they just go find a partner & change him/her according to her/his thoughts ??
I know a girl who is VERY rich and is planning on forming a trust and giving all the money to the trust with some share as dowry/gifts for her wedding (she lost her parents few years back so has to take care of herself) and wants live on self earned money (she is a doctor too), but 99% of the guys who came with a marriage proposal want all her money along with her and charity is unacceptable. duh!! We are guys, we are supposed to be egoistic and chauvinistic pigs, not want someone else hard earned money even if its your in-laws or even parents, and the other 1% want her to stay @home and stop working and be ideal homemaker, again duh!!!!! We are guys and should be proud in the circle of friends and colleagues if our partner is doing good in her career, isn't that how it should be in the minimum case if not all liberal ??
OK fine, another girl is modern and not very religious, after being in a relationship with her for around 4months or so the guys asks her to change her nature when they get married, he wants her to be a ideal Andhra bride, give up career & serve his parents, become religious (which she isn't, how come someone who is not religious become religious just for a relationship :O :O :O, I'm still in dark over this point, please enlighten me), and mostly a homemaker if that is what his parents would want. AAAAAAaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh then why her ?? Didn't he know that she is she & not someone he wants for his future ?? What made him think she'll change ?
Its almost the same when it comes to girls also, this another girl gets into a relationship with a guy who loves non veg, and she wants him to stop non-veg for her. But WHY WHY WHY ??? Can't you be a veggie while he is a nv?

As far as I see, relationships should not start nor go towards adjustments. Ofcourse marriage & relationships demand for a lot of compromises but it has to be the partners choice to choose and prioritize the list of adjustments, not be forced into. All you have to do is make her feel you are worth every moment and every compromise and every sacrifice your partner makes and is ready to make for you.
These are a few reasons I guess why any relationship be it in business or in life is given a 7yr target (A business is said to be stable if its crosses the 7yr mark, and a marriage is said to be successful if they are together after 7yrs :) )

PS1: This post may sound a little too pro women, but then ain't we all guys dogs :D
PS2: If Feb 14th is celebrated as Valentines day, lets celebrate Oct 16th as bachelors day (my bday :D)
PS3: I can write on this forever but I think I should stop now :D

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