Saturday, May 17, 2008

Too many things...

Well this might sound strange but the reason behind not posting for the last 15days is not because I didn't have any topic, but I had too many and I don't know which one to choose. I decided to not post any more "In response to" posts, and leave them in draft mode so that people wont get bored :), maybe I can start a private blog to store all those. Well apart from that there have been MANY incidents in the last 15days which kept provoking me to write, be it crazy IPL & the reason behind DC failure, Olympics/Tibet issue, blasts in Jaipur, Earthquake in China, introduction of womens bill in parliament, elections for 1yr post in Telangana, change in Russian presidency, changing markets & increasing prices, remarks on inflation by Bush, Obama's comeback, global warming and increasing temperatures, blackberry issue, and on personal front about my sister who finished her +2 and discussions @home between engineering vs non-engineering (no points for guessing, I'm in favor of non-engineering :) ), my changed schedule (5:30AM - 11PM daily :D), Khuda ke liye and other movie reviews, religious fanatism (had an elaborate discussion with another friend :) ), the dilemma of a friend on MS in US, a friend addicted to coffee (I think she needs rehab), and then last but not the least to crib regarding a friend who went on a 8day trip with 7other girls to Singapore,Malaysia.
Now you know what the dilemma is all about :D, now you know why I haven't really been posting. I have one huge post on each of these topics, and I couldn't chose one to start with. Everytime I sit down to write I see something else on tv :( seriously it was a lot of strain on my brain :D.

1 comment:

Geetu said...

stupid again :P

The never ending post