Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Numbers vs Percentages

What is the 1st thing that attracts a common man towards IIMs or other management schools?? Yes, ofcourse it is the high salary the graduates from these schools are offered, recently the highest pay for an IIM graduate was announced as 1.44Crores and people went all gaga about it. But how many know the true picture behind any college placements ?? How many realize that it's only 1-2 guys who get a crore and not the whole class ?? Well this not only rises the expectations of the common man (to see his/her children get into one such schools) but also forces them to take windy decisions and pressurising the child way from their 1st class (.. lol yes that's true, you have schools offering IIT oriented education from 1st class)

Only few realize the truth behind college placements, only very few realize the truth behind numbers. And those who did are those who could manage their assets and are those who could make money not only for themselves but for others around them. Yes, percentages, this is the reason why financial analysts depend largely on fractions and percentages but not on numbers. Approach any insider and ask him what is the 1st thing he would see in a company before investing in it, the answer would be various percentages and never NEVER absolute numbers.

The same applies to placements, why do you think all colleges announce the max salary in absolute numbers and number of students placed in percentage ?? Ofcourse because what you see is not what you get!! A wise man wouldn't see the highest salary or the least salary, and infact he wouldn't even want to see the average salary, neither of them show the true picture... but what do are what percentage of students falling into categories of salary i.e x% got salary above 10Lakhs, y% above 40 and z% above 80 ... or something in those lines. What also will are standard deviation or even better a histogram!!!

But ofcourse you won't get to see any of these unless you work on the data. All a common man gets to see is the highest salary as 1.44crores, CAT exam and 1lakh and increasing number of students giving the test and lots of institutes giving coaching & lots of publicity ... same is the case with IIT/AIEEE.

(No I don't have anything against these institutes nor the teaching standards nor the students who came out of it, but I have everything against the mania they started in India and the pressure put on both the parents and the students just because they don't see beyond a point)

and NO I'm not giving CAT this year also :)
and I can go on & on & on & on forever arguing about these topics, so I think I'll stop here now that I'm sure I have made my readers think.

1 comment:

mythalez said...

what is there to think :P ... most of ur readers are fully aware of this mania and have the broader picture.. but cant really do anything abt it .. can they?

The never ending post