Wednesday, March 5, 2008

A one night stand

This happened to one of my friends few weeks back [names cannot be taken] ... lets call him T
Quite melodramatic ....

Around 10:30PM Thursday night, T is on his way back home from office, it got a little late today but then he's just a bachelor (with a gf but irrelevant here) so he wouldn't mind staying back once in a while if it meant being noticed by his boss (who also happens to be a lady, but again irrelevant :D). He is on his bike, with his ipod and singing away to glory and in a nice mood that things are going good at work and he's a high contender for the promotion due next month.
As he nears a bus stop, he sees a beautiful (so was I told ;) ) girl sobbing and being the gentleman and movie buff that he is, his heart overpowers his shyness & approaches the girl;

T: {ahem} {aaaaa....} {mm..} excuse me, I couldnt help but notice that something is wrong, {mmm...} may I help you?
[The girl raises her head and for the 1st time he sees her face completely and she looked more beautiful than she did in the brightness of the street light]
She: {sobs}{sobs} thank you!! well some ******* stole my purse and even my mobile is inside it, I'm not able to reach my roommates and there is no cab in the past 20mins. {sobs} ..I'm having the worst day of my life :(
T: hmm ... [ask you idiot ask, this is your chance] ..{aaaa...} If you don't mind, I could drop you
She: [now stopped crying and has a small smile on her face which weakened his heart all the more] .. well thank you, but I can't trouble you soo much, if you don't mind let me make a call to my roommate from your mobile
T: [tsch losing a gr8 opportunity to drop her, why God why :( ] sure no problem, here [hands over his mobile to her] {well atleast I'll get her roommate's number ;) .. maybe things will turn out lucky for me afterall }
[sees that she is not talking on the phone and is looking worried] ... is everything ok???
She:{now in a frustrated but sweet voice} roommate is not picking up the call :( I think my bad day is not over yet :((
T: well I could still drop you, and I have absolutely no problem doing that. {praying to god now}
She: .... but .......
T: I insist, please let me
She: Ok fine, btw my name is X and I live in ABC colony
T: and I'm T, I stay in xyz colony [yay, yay, yay]
[she's now on his bike and her right hand on his shoulder, he's all geared up, the night is still young and hopes that some magic does happen]
T: {ahem} {ahem} ... I'm not sure if I know the place, you'll have to guide me
[starts the bike and prays to god for a small push]
She: sure, no problem and thank you once again
T: its my pleasure ...

after 10mins of journey, she directing T to her place and both of them talking about movies and stuff and having a nice ride ... she asks him to take a left turn into a dark road with no street lights, ... T having a great time and a nice ride was all carried away ... half way through the road something stuck him on his head from front and the next thing he knows it's 3AM, his head is paining like hell, he could even feel the blood on his forehead... there is no girl around him and neither is his mobile nor his bike nor his purse nor his gold ring nor his ipod....... quite simple she had some accomplice waiting for her and all she had to do is lure him into that street ...

next day there was a huge hullabaloo, police complaints, hospital, his parents happy that the head injury wasn't fatal, followed by a huge fight with his gf (this was a funny part worth watching according to my frnds who were there :D) .... finally no trace of the bike nor the girl yet!! (this happened somewhere in mid february btw) ..

Soo ..... wouldn't you call her beauty with brains :-> .. I definitely would :)
When I see those movies, I always wondered how people could be fooled soo easily and how dumb they behave, but all it took was one incident to someone close to realise that afterall mean are dogs & girls can take advantage of that quite easily, can't they! ;)


Geetu said... this really actually happened ?
Who is that guy and which route does he take......:D

Saaketh said...

@geetu ... lol I never said he's from hyd did I ??? don't worry it happened in b'lore

Siddhu said...

Thats y police insist on using helmets :P

The never ending post